EDITOR’S NOTE: Friend of our blog, Gary Scott Beatty, has sent us another sneak peek at the upcoming STRANGE HORROR issues, now available to pre-order through Kickstarter. See the links below . . . . . . 

Strange Horror Preview: THE DEVOURING

Written by me and illustrated by Andy Bennett, The Devouring is one of three stories serialized in Strange Horror #1, #2 and #3, now on Kickstarter. Check out the preview pages below, and listen to me being interviewed about The Devouring in a video!

Plus, Strange Horror could be the first comic book Kickstarter with an Original Music Soundtrack download level! Check out the video preview of one of the songs in the full-length soundtrack download: Disjointed!

Strange Horror, the Kickstarter, is HERE!

A museum break-in yields two brutal murders. The police are unconcerned and museum staff just want the story to go away — but it won’t, because Hell’s Reporter is on the case. Written by me and illustrated by Andy Bennett (Ghost Sonata, Cthulhu Tales).

CLICK for video!

CLICK for video!

Strange Horror -— is HERE! Visit the Kickstarter at

Gary Scott Beatty
Kickin' Kickstarter (and the occasional dog)
Strange Horror #1, #2 and #3


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