ComixTribe monthly hardcover giveaway

EDITOR’S NOTE: Continuing our features on indie publisher ComixTribe, courtesy of publisher Tyler James . . . . .


Recently, I shared a little bit about what makes ComixTribe different.


Today, I want to tell you about something we're most proud of...

Our hardcovers.


It's a beautiful, brilliant world we live in where scrappy small-presses with a small but fiercely loyal fan base like ours can put out deluxe, over-sized hardcover collections on par with much bigger publishers with much more resources.



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The ComixTribe Hardcover Collection is something that makes us stand out at conventions.


And while we give out a ton of digital comics and digital is awesome, I truly believe that it's when fans get their hands on the best of what we have to offer, in print, in hardcover format, that they truly appreciate what ComixTribe is all about.

(Maybe I'm just old school like that.)


Unfortunately, we can only get to so many conventions, and retailers are notoriously conservative when it comes to stocking independent hardcovers...

So, how do we get more books in readers' hands?

Here's a crazy idea...

We give them away.

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This year, we're going to give away at least three free hardcovers from the ComixTribe backlist every single month.


The winners will be chosen at random from all the entries we receive that month at


However, you can boost your odds of being selected by sharing the monthly giveaway on social media.



Throughout our history, we've made the effort to give our fans as much as we possibly can...


And considering that all those hardcovers were made possible by our fans in the first place, we're thrilled and honored to be putting books in more readers hands every single month, simply for being with us on this journey.



This Month's Free Hardcover: OXYMORON Vol. 1 - Red Knife Variant (RARE - Limited to 150 Copies)

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OXYMORON is an OVERSIZED HARDCOVER graphic novel collection of stories about a supervillain psychopath obsessed with contradiction. This stunning 120-page hardcover collection features stories by up-and-coming writers and artists, including Jason Ciaramella (The Cape, Godzilla), Joe Mulvey (Scam), Ryan K Lindsay (Negative Space, Deer Editor), and more, and is edited by ComixTribe publisher Tyler James.

It’s free to enter to win.




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