STRANGE HORROR Kickstarter is well underway. Pledge now.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Regular readers of our blog know that we’re not shy about endorsing Kickstarter campaigns when we think they are worthy. If you like horror comics, then do yourself a favor and check out the campaign for STRANGE HORROR.  It’s a departure from publisher Gary Scott Beatty’s business model with INDIE COMICS, with publishing costs being shared by all featured creators.  In this case, STRANGE HORROR is a digital only production and the work is already done.  The Kickstarter campaign is mainly to ensure that the creators get paid after the fact.  It’s a risk, but we applaud the trail-blazing effort.  You can get copies of all 3 titles for just $2 each.  Read below . . . . .
Strange Horror is on Kickstarter TODAY!

We're all excited here as the long-awaited Strange Horror Kickstarter campaign begins TODAY! Supporters will soon be pulling in Milestone Rewards, free stories given to them because they are backers of Strange Horror #1, #2 and #3! Check it out here!

A creepy video preview of Strange Horror is included in this email to get you to that Kickstarter at

Plus, Strange Horror could be the first comic book Kickstarter with an Original Music Soundtrack download level! Check out the video preview of one of the songs: Dunwich!


CLICK for video:

CLICK for video!

Strange Horror — is HERE! Visit the Kickstarter now at

Gary Scott Beatty
Wanting you to join the fun at Kickstarter
Strange Horror #1, #2 and #3


  1. To hear more of the music, there's a playlist on YouTube.
    Plus there are comics! 3 stories wrap up in 3 comics, with 3 artists: me, Andy Bennett (Ghost Sonata, Cthulhu Tales) and Mark Bloodworth (Deadworld, Hellraiser)!


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