I wasn't actually a huge fan of Robert Kirkman when I first started reading his books. He was competent, sure, but I didn't see the appeal-- The Irredeemable Ant-Man was a boring side story in the middle of Civil War and The Initiative (although I've since changed my mind about this), and his Ultimate X-Men run was, in many places, a mixed bag (although I did very much enjoy his "Phoenix?" storyline). And Marvel Zombies just seemed like a ridiculous idea--not that I bothered to try it at the time. Now, though? I've completely reevaluated my opinion on his work, and when his name is attached to a project, I'm far more likely to give it a look. I don't know if I'd classify him as a master storyteller or a comics icon--but he's very skilled, he has an incredible knack for dialog, and he writes stories that, no matter how ridiculous, seem real . In a medium where characters frequently violate the rules of physics, that's not alway...
To hear more of the music, there's a playlist on YouTube.
Plus there are comics! 3 stories wrap up in 3 comics, with 3 artists: me, Andy Bennett (Ghost Sonata, Cthulhu Tales) and Mark Bloodworth (Deadworld, Hellraiser)!