Free Comic Book Day 2017 titles previewed

Free Comic Book Day 2017 Full Line-Up 
from the official FCBD press release . . . . .
Free Comic Book Day 2017 Full Line-Up 
of Comic Books Announced

This year, Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) features a whole new selection of 38 Silver Sponsor comic book titles for the comic book industry's most anticipated annual event taking place Saturday, May 6th, 2017 at participating comic book shops worldwide.

Retailers on the FCBD Selection Committee chose 50 titles overall--12 Gold Sponsor comics and 38 Silver Sponsor comics--to provide fans a wide range of stories from which to choose and discover new genres and publishers. This year's Silver Sponsor comics include Fresh off the Boat, Buffy: The High School Years, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, SpongeBob, Barbie, and more.

"We're thrilled to see the range of titles with this year's Free Comic Book Day," said Free Comic Book Day spokesperson Michael Moccio. "Free Comic Book Day is one of the most celebrated days in the industry. When so many people introduce family and friends to comics and their local comic shop for the first time, it's important the titles reflect that varied interests of people coming to stores. We believe this is going to be one of the best Free Comic Book Days yet and we're excited for everyone to experience it!" 

A complete listing of all fifty FCBD titles, including the 12 Gold Sponsor comic books and 38 Sponsor comic books, can be found in the January issue of Diamond Comic Distributors' PREVIEWS catalog, on sale at all comic book shops December 28th, 2016. They can also be viewed online at

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