ComixTribe offers CHUM free digital copy

EDITOR’S NOTE: More news from our generous friends at ComixTribe . . . . . . . .

As promised, here's the second installment of this mini-series all about what's coming from ComixTribe in 2017...

Today, rather than talk about what's coming, let's talk about what's already here...

The CHUM Trade has Washed Up on Shore!

Last year, Ryan K Lindsay and Sami Kivela bloodied the waters with the critically acclaimed mini-series, CHUM

Next week, the CHUM trade collection will wash up on the shores of local comic shops around the world. 

Likewise, the ComixTribe Shop is now fully in-stock and books are shipping immediately. 

And THIS WEEK ONLY, when you order CHUM from, you'll also receive a bonus "Mystery Variant Cover" from the ComixTribe backlist. 


Click here to order the CHUM trade and get a Mystery Variant Cover free with your order:

CHUM is a surf noir story about betrayal, murder, and a bag full of cash and drugs. Summer Stanwyck desperately wants to leave Kingsford Island to start a new life, and might have found her way, but if any of the men around her get in her way they'll be chum in the water.

The new trade collection features:

  • The entire CHUM mini-series.
  • A variant cover pin-up gallery.
  • A two-page spread full of 6-word surf noir
  • All at one easy to digest price. ($12.99)

To get a taste of the series, here's a download of the CHUM Digital Ashcan that we put out last year:

Hope you love it! 


Tyler James 

ComixTribe Publisher / Afraid of Sharks

NEXT: At long last, the end is nigh for our longest running series...


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