SINK Kickstarter campaign is live

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Sink is one of the titles recently previewed within our features on indie publisher ComixTribe.  It’s the book we are most excited about from the 2017 releases from ComixTribe.  CAUTION: Not for everyone. Graphic scenes of violence. See details below from creator John Lees . . . . .

Hi there, friend-o...

You're in the van with the rest of us clowns. Now it's time to take that van on the road. On a World Tour, to be precise...

The SINK World Tour Kickstarter is now live!!!

Go to . . . .

And you're one of the first to know. 

You got in right on the ground floor of this crazy project because you believed in it and believed in us, so I want you onboard the World Tour on Day 1. 

There will be awesome prize giveaways each day of the campaign, and the earlier you back the campaign, the more chances you'll have to win!

Click here to back the SINK World Tour Kickstarter NOW!!!!

Goo to . . .

And once you've done that... why not spread the word? 

Share that you've backed the Kickstarter on Facebook, or shout about it on Twitter. 

In fact, here's a ready-made tweet you can send to let the world know you're supporting the SINK World Tour, with the click of a button.

"I'm backing SINK by my pal @johnlees927 on Kickstarter. Get in the van at" (Click to Tweet)

And what you see on the Kickstarter page now is only just the beginning... there's a whole lot more fund still to come.

Thanks so much for your support as we work on smashing that $5000 goal and beyond!

Your pal,

John Lees


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