NEWS for 2011: Make some room on your TOP SHELF


JANUARY 09, 2011:  Top Shelf Comix has announced its entire 2011 line-up of books and graphic novels - - and it’s impressive.   Last year, Top Shelf  introduced some acclaimed Swedish comics to the English-speaking world.  What will they be doing this year?

You can view the entire line-up for 2011 at their website here:



Among the many upcoming titles that I’ll be looking forward to are new editions of Jeff Lemire’s ESSEX COUNTY in January and Alan Moore’s FROM HELL in February.    Top Shelf features an award winning Belgium writer/artist in March with NIGHT ANIMALS  (to be reviewed here later) and the long-awaited next installment in Alan Moore’s LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN in CENTURY II in July. 

Also in the line-up are a new work from THE SURROGATES author Robert Venditti in THE HOMELAND DIRECTIVE and the next edition of AX VOLUME 2: A COLLECTIVE OF ALTERNATIVE MANGA.


Top Shelf is also expanding its offerings to children and will begin the TOP SHELF KIDS CLUB in 2011, featuring new stories of OWLY,  JOHNNY BOO and some new favorites.  

Top Shelf has also created a newspaper to give away at comics conventions and signings throughout the year to publicize their line-up of books.  You can read a copy of it right here:


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