Memorial Day Fun! - - - COMIC BOOK FLEA MARKET

EDITOR’S NOTE:  I will be there for this event, selling comics from my personal collection at bargain prices. Please stop by and say hello.  Mention my blog for a free comic (of my choice).  The address of CAPTAIN BLUE HEN COMICS is  280 East Main Street, Newark, Delaware 19711 (302-737-3434).  The flea market takes place in the parking lot . . . . . . . .

 P.S. . . There is a chance of rain in the forecast, but I’m still going to be there. If it rains, you can find me inside the store. Everything I have for sale is on a list - - so I will not be deterred from my mission.  Comics at unbelievable prices  - - classic X-Men from the 90’s for $1, Silver Surfer books for $1, classic Avengers at 1/3 value, plus $1 books, story sets, even 50 cent comics…...




Memorial Day FLEA MARKET

9am to 2pm, Monday, May 29




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