Writer GREG PAK to sign new work at Delaware COMIC BOOK SHOP 8/27


from the official Comic Book Shop web site . . . . . . 

The Comic Book Shop!
Week of August 24th, 2016

This weekend is full of excitement!
Bring a friend and have some fun :]

GREG PAK Signing Saturday 11am-1pm!

Storewide 25% off SALE Saturday & Sunday!

Silent Auction Fundraiser Friday - Sunday!

Meet superstar writer GREG PAK on
Saturday 8/27 from 11am - 1pm!

@GregPak is known for the monumental series Planet Hulk and it's follow up World War Hulk.

Pak is also known for making New 52 Action Comics actually good, a passionate and too-brief Storm series, and Making Comics Like The Pros, an instructional reference
with Fred Van Lente & Colleen Coover.

He also co-created with artist 
Takeshi Miyazawathe Marvel character Amadeus Cho,
a Korean-American supergenius teen and now the Totally Awesome Hulk!

Greg is kicking off his creator-owned series

a tale of Chinese gunslinger searching for his wife in an Old West overrun with magic! 


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