Countdown to Baltimore, 4 Days = The Complete Guest List



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 Neal Adams (Superman: The Coming of the Supermen);  Zeea Adams (Neal Adams Monsters);  Scott Ethan Ambruson (Azteca: Ciudad Paradiso);  John Anderson (The Infinites);  James Asmus (All-New Inhumans);  Sean Astin (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles);  Hayley Atwell (Marvel's Agent Carter).

Jeff Balke (Zombies vs Cheerleaders: St. Patty's Day Special);  Jeremy Bastian (Cursed Pirate Girl);  Marty Baumann (Pixar artist); Carolyn Belefski (Curls);  Christy Blanch (The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood);  Bret Blevins (Harley Quinn Road Trip Special); Danica Bradshaw (Wayward);  Nick Bradshaw (Spidey);  June Brigman (Power Pack);  Reilly Brown (Deadpool);  Harold Buchholz (Archie Comics);  Mark Buckingham (Miracleman);  Dave Bullock (The Rocketeer at War!);  Jeffrey Burandt (Odd Squad);  Buzz (Super Sikh and the Atma Defenders).  

Jim Calafiore (Leaving Megalopolis: Surviving Megalopolis);  Ben Caldwell (Scooby Apocalypse);  Chris Campana (The Accelerators);  Jerry Carr (Cryptozoo Crew);  Richard Case (Doom Patrol);  Christa Cassano (Ghetto Klown);  Elias Chatzoudis (Grimm Fairy Tales presents Oz: Reign of the Witch Queen);  Howard Chaykin (Imperium);  S.A. Check (The Pink Panther);  Sean Chen (Aliens vs. Zombies);  Lee Cherolis (Little Guardians);  Frank Cho (The Totally Awesome Hulk);  Amy Chu (Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death);  Steve Conley (Bloop);  Matthew Clark (Justice League);  Katie Cook (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic); Stephen Coughlin (Sanctuary);  Paris Cullins (Blue Beetle);  Curtis (Dick Tracy).

Matthew Daley (Lantern City);  J. Robert Deans (Crass Fed);  Jeff Dekal (New Avengers);  J.M. DeMatteis (Scooby Apocalypse); Matt Dembicki (Captive of Friendly Cove);  Todd Dezago (Perhapanauts);  Dan DiDio (DC Comics, Friday only);  Charles C. Dowd (Lilith Dark); 

Kevin Eastman (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles);  Tod Emko (A Piggy's Tale);  Joe Endres (Colossians);  Steve Englehart, courtesy of Hero Initiative (Captain America).

G.D. Falksen (The Ouroboros Cycle);  David Finch (Batman);  Meredith Finch (Wonder Woman);  Shane Fisher (Dick Tracy);  Chris Flick (Capes & Babes);  Ramona Fradon (Spongebob Freestyle Funnies);  Francesco Francavilla (Afterlife with Archie);  Franco (Aw Yeah Comics: Action Cat!); Alexis Frederick-Frost (Adventures in Cartooning).

John Gallagher (Buzzboy);  SL Gallant (G.I. Joe);  Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (Batman '66: The Lost Episode);  Ransom Getty (FCBD 2016 - Suicide Squad Special Edition);  Chris Giarrusso (G Man);  Joe Giella courtesy of Hero Initiative (Green Lantern);  Keith Giffen (Legends of Tomorrow);  Cory Godbey (Jim Henson's Labyrinth Tales);  Mike Gold (The Pilgrim);  Jason Gounger (Legio Ex Mortis);  Anna Gownley and Jimmy Gownley (The Dumbest Idea Ever!);  Dawn Griffin (Zorphbert & Fred);  Rob Guillory (Chew: Demon Chicken Poyo);  Laura Lee Gulledge (Will & Whit).

Brian Haberlin (Switchblade),  Bo Hampton (3 Devils);  Tony Harris (Lost Boys);  Dean Haspiel (The Fox);  Marc Hempel (Sandman);  Meghan Hetrick (Red Thorn);  Greg Horn (Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars);  Jason Horn (Ninjasaur);  Adam Hughes (Betty & Veronica);  Ken Hunt (Talon).

Al Jaffee (MAD Magazine, Saturday panel and Harvey Awards only);  Natalie Jane (Equilibrium);  Paul Jenkins (Friday & Saturday only, Replica);  JG Jones (Strange Fruit);  Justin Jordan (The Legacy of Luther Strode);  Dan Jurgens (Action Comics, Saturday & Sunday only).

Chris Kemple (Red Vengeance);  Tom King (Batman);  Denis Kitchen (Harvey Kurtzman's Jungle Book);  Barry Kitson (Empire: Uprising);  Evelyn Kriete (Weird Tales);  James Kuhoric (The Three Stooges);  Samantha Kyle (Paul & Olly).

Greg LaRocque (Stargate Atlantis).

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Hope Larson (Batgirl);  John Layman (Chew: Demon Chicken Poyo);  Jeff Lemire (Friday only, Extraordinary X-Men);  Paul Levitz (Doctor Fate);  Mike Lilly (Red Agent);  Aaron Lopresti (courtesy of Painted Visions, Legends of Tomorrow);  Nate Lovett (Actionverse Featuring Midnight Tiger);  Joe Linsner (Harley Quinn).

Kevin Maguire (Howard the Duck);  Mike Maihack (Cleopatra in Space);  Mike Manley (The Phantom);  Mark Mariano (The Other Side of Hugless Hill);  Billy Martin (Adventure Time);  Laura Martin (Wonder Woman);  Ron Marz (Convergence: Batman and Robin); J ohn McCrea, courtesy of Hero Initiative (Judge Dredd);  Ed McGuinness (Spider-Man/Deadpool);  Mike McKone (Teen Titans);  Pop Mhan (Saturday only, He-Man: The Eternity War);  Chris Miskiewicz (Thomas Alsop);  Goni Montes (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers);  Terry Moore (Rachel Rising);  B. Clay Moore (Bloodshot);  Tradd Moore (The Legacy of Luther Strode);  Mark Morales (Convergence);  Trevor Mueller (Albet the Alien).

Kristian Nairn (Game of Thrones);  Jamar Nicholas (Fist Stick Knife Gun: A Personal History of Violence in America);  Fabian Nicieza (Deadpool & Cable: Split Second).

Chris Otto (A Dog's Life).

Greg Pak (Teen Titans);  Tom Palmer (Doctor Strange);  Yanick Paquette (Batman/Superman);  Dan Parsons (Convergence: Nightwing/Oracle);  Candice Patton (The Flash);  Brent Peeples (Gold Key: Alliance);  Paul Pelletier (Justice League);  Andrew Pepoy (Futurama Comics);  David Petersen (Mouse Guard);  Brandon Peterson (Uncanny Inhumans);  Shelley Pleger (Dick Tracy); Lyle Pollard (Scarlet Huntress);  Mark Poulton (A Cat Named Haiku);  Eric Powell (The Goon);  Andy Price (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic);  Brian Pulido (Lady Death: Chaos Rules);  Kyle Puttkammer (Hero Cats: Midnight Over Stellar City).

Ron Randall (Convergence: Catwoman);  Khary Randolph (Robin War);  Tom Raney (Ninjak);  Paul Renaud (Superman/Wonder Woman);  Joe Rivera (Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1953);  Rafer Roberts (A&A: The Adventures of Archer and Armstrong);  Emily Romano (Comic Art House);  Matthew Rosenberg (4 Kids Walk Into a Bank);  Craig Rousseau (Kyrra: Alien Jungle Girl);  Stephane Roux (Harley Quinn and Power Girl) ;Michael Rowe (Arrow);  Joe Rubinstein (Convergence: Batman and Robin);  Nei Ruffino (Silk).

Alex Saviuk (Spider-Man newspaper strip);  Stuart Sayger (Hellboy 100);  Mark Schultz (Conan the Slayer);  Bart Sears (Bloodshot);  Pat Shand (Equilibrium);  Dave Sharpe (Ninjak);  Brian Shearer (GI Joe);  Jeff Shultz (Betty and Veronica);  Louise Simonson (Convergence: Superman - The Man of Steel);  Walter Simonson (Ragnarok);  Matt Slay (TMNT Micro-Series);  Andy Smith (Earth 2Thanos GN);  Brian Smith (SpongeBob Comics);  Matthew Dow Smith (The X-Files);  John K. Snyder III (Doctor Midnight);  Allison Sohn (Red Sonja);  Charles Soule (Star Wars: Poe Dameron);  Mark Sparacio (Sheena: Queen of the Jungle); Jim Starlin (Thanos: The Infinity Finale);  Joe Staton (Dick Tracy);  Brian Stelfreeze (Black Panther);  Mark Stokes (Zombie Boy Comics);  Paul Storrie (Sheena: Queen of the Jungle);  Karl Story (Thors).

Eric Talbot (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles);  Ben Templesmith (Blackholers);  Mark Texeira (Doctor Strange);  Frank Tieri (Harley Quinn and her Gang of Harleys);  Vivek J. Tiwary (The Fifth Beatle);  Jeremy Treece (The King Collection);  Tim Truman (Convergence: Hawkman);  David Trustman (The Rise);  Billy Tucci (Harley's Little Black Book);  James Tynion IV (Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).

Fred Van Lente (Archer & Armstrong);  Rick Veitch (Miracleman);  Emilio Velez Jr. (The Dodgeball Teens).

Mark Waid (All-New, All-Different Avengers);  Michael Watkins (Pantha);  Todd Webb (Mr. Toast Comics);  Mark Wheatley (Doctor Who);  Matt Wieringo ('Ringo Scholarship Fund);  Marcus Williams (Hero Cats);  Ron Wilson (Marvel Two-In-One);  Mike Wolfer (The Land That Time Forgot);  Rich Woodall (Kyrra: Alien Jungle Girl);  John Workman (Shutter).

Sasha Yosselani (Comic Art House).

Thom Zahler (My Little Pony: Friends Forever). 



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