Check out SINK and obtain some fee content

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Writer/artist/publisher Gary Scott Beatty has become a frequent contributor to the BC Refugees site.  The reasons for that are Indie Comics (very likely), his insightful video blogs (also very likely), his charming nature and warm personality (not very likely, just somewhat likely) and his willingness to share numerous freebies with our readers (most probably the real reason).  This time it’s an intriguing project from across the pond (Glasgow, Scotland). Caution: Very violent. Mature readers only.

P.S.  As Robert Heinlein’s famous character often opined: T.A.N.S.T.A.A.F.L. ( pronounced tans-staff-ell ) = There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch!  In exchange for all the freebies, we go along with Gary and promote his independent comics projects  (also worth checking out, very likely). 

Get in the Van!

While we're waiting for Indie Comics #2 orders from this month's Previews, let's look into this interesting freebie from ComixTribe!

John Lees and Alex Cormack have some cool, free stuff for you for joining their email list for the upcoming series “Sink.” (Warning: the comic itself is extremely violent.)

Check it out here!

This is, perhaps, the most entertaining email list I've ever joined! You'll be surprised by the free stuff as they build up to the release of “Sink."


Meanwhile, this is what WE'RE doing at Aazurn!
Indie Comics #1!

Indie Comics #2!

Indie Comics #3! In October’s Previews!

Plus — the Publishing Comics Blog, two episodes at YouTube!

Do your friends like comics? Pass this illustrious blog post on to others so they can also enjoy freebies and news from Aazurn Publishing! Join us at

Gary Scott Beatty
Provider of Comic Book Goodness
Aazurn Publishing



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