Horror on Kickstarter sites: LORD OF GORE

EDITOR’S NOTE:  We’ve seen some of the pages for this upcoming comic (already funded via Kickstarter - - get on board now for the stretch goals and incentives.  Also, four of the planned eight issues are already finished. They just need to finance the printing costs.  There is an explanatory video on the Kickstarter site (also funny) at the link provided below . . . . . . . .
Blood-filled, Slasher LORD OF GORE Exclusives Now Available On Kickstarter
Yesterday, D.B. Stanley and Daniel Leister with the help of Devil's Due launched the LORD OF GORE #1 Kickstarter  at  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/585093821/lord-of-gore
LORD OF GORE is the story behind a scandal that propelled the 'Lord of Gore' B-movie franchise to mainstream success. In 1989 the film's costumed slasher actor murdered a young actress in ways worse than his on-screen character, creating a media frenzy. Now on the cusp of a modern reboot, a struggling screenwriter learns that the deranged star wasn't the only guilty party that night, but before he can share the information, the film's slasher - The Headsman - seems to have stepped from the screen into real life to stop him.
Get exclusive LORD OF GORE covers for issue 1, t-shirts, original art, or be a part of the blood and guts by being drawn in the book all while supporting the series! Check out the Kickstarter before time runs out!


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