Order crowd-funded Issue #1 of GALAXYS FOR HIRE here

Editor’s Note:  Fans of space-faring science fiction and Guardians of the Galaxy should give this book a good look. For $5 you can get a copy of the first double-sized issue (bagged and boarded, with shipping included), or spend more and get several incentives.  Find out all the details here . . . . .https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/shawnwrites/galaxys-for-hire-5000ad-action-sci-fi-sibling-riva?ref=user_menu

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About this project

GALAXYS FOR HIRE is an original series following two sisters attempting to mend their broken relationship as they race to retrieve their stolen ship The Galaxy Girl, prevent a corrupt government from using a devastating giant, mystical mech robot WMD, and save the universe from annihilation at the hands of an ancient creature known as The Nibiru. 

"A great sci-fi adventure that doesn't forget that adventures are supposed to be fun." - Charles Soule (writer; Marvel's Daredevil , Poe Dameron)

The all-female crew of The Galaxy Girl are hired to deliver a cache of Quantum-Hallucinogens to a planet of mythical-God worshipping natives, however, the mission is quickly revealed to be a set-up and it isn't long before the Intergalactic Union of Planets (IUoP) sends in their elite police force to impound the girls’ ship and arrest the team. Little do they know, their ship is the missing piece to an ancient, powerful weapons that could help save (or destroy) the galaxy.

The sisters and their crew must race the clock to build an army big enough to fight the IUoP, protect the planet stronghold of the Independent movement (a rebellious uprising of those who believe the Union is an evil empire), steal their damn ship back and, somehow, get paid!


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Perhaps the best part of all is, this comic is completely drawn, colored and lettered and ready for press! Hell, we've even GONE to press for very very small print runs (only a couple hundred digitally printed copies) for comic-cons, so we're just waiting to give the green light to do our first real press run.

Why Kickstarter?

Great question. Comic books are a tough racket. There’s only so much shelf space and a near-infinite amount of content. Longevity is the name of the game, and the best way to secure our future is with a strong foundation. That is where YOU come in. By running a Kickstarter campaign for this first (double-sized) issue we’re hoping to build both a fanbase and a war chest to see us through the completion of this first 4 issue arc! And, we obviously want to give those readers that support GFH from the very beginning frickin' cool rewards!


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