New Book based on SHERLOCK HOLMES

From the official press release . . . . . 

Sherlock Holmes is back at Pro Se Productions, and this time he’s not alone.  Author Brad Sinor’s THE GAME’S AFOOT: A HOL
MESIAN MISCELLANY, a collection of Holmes related tales, is now available in print and ebook editions from Pro Se Productions.

“Holmes,” says Tommy Hancock, Editor in Chief of Pro Se Productions, “is not only one of the most iconic characters ever created, he is also one of the most complex.  This makes it possible to take a Holmes story in any direction possible, from continuing to walk in Doyle’s well regarded footsteps to going places and distances no one would ever imagine.  Combine that with the rich supply of supporting characters that have always been a part of Holmesian lore, as well as those who populate his place in time, and the field is ripe for wildly imaginative cases and adventures.  Brad Sinor delivers exactly that in THE GAME’S AFOOT, breaking many boundaries with Holmes and others, while still delivering tales that are reflective of the style we all love and the canon that so many adore.”

He solved cases others considered impossible. Those we know about. But there were other events taken on by the world’s best known detective and those he called friend as well as enemy that explored, encountered, and even exposed the impossible. And now those tales of terror and deduction are gathered together, stories that pit Sherlock Holmes and those around him against forces beyond mortal man, beyond even this planet. But also, let it not be forgotten that evil need not be supernatural to be truly horrific. TheGame’s Afoot: A Holmesian Miscellany is a collection of tales by author Brad Sinor that add a facet to the world inhabited by Holmes and characters both associated with him and those who had their own stories to tell. Action, adventure, terror, and mystery await readers as they follow Holmes and others into The Game’s Afoot: A Holmesian Miscellany. From Pro Se Productions.
Featuring an iconic cover by Jeffrey Hayes and cover design and print formatting by Antonino Lo Iacono, THE GAME’S AFOOT: A HOLMESIAN MISCELLANY is available now at Amazon at and Pro Se’s own store at for 15.00. 

This imaginative Holmes collection, a part of Pro Se's HOLMES APOCHRYPHA line,  is also available as an Ebook, designed and formatted by Lo Iacono for only $2.99 for the Kindle at and for most digital formats via Smashwords at



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