UBER returns thanks to Kickstarter campaign


EDITOR’S NOTE:  UBER was one of the more adventurous titles under the Avatar umbrella. We stopped reading it because of a massive backlog of unread titles and had to cut back.  We regret that now.  Seems like it has a good following, although maybe not enough for Avatar to publish a new story arc without the evidence of fan support via crowdfunding monies to cover publishing costs.  However, we know many other popular books that have been funded this way (Squarriors from Devil’s Due, for one) so we are going to without judgment.  This has already been funded but you can still participate for the next week or so and come away with your own set, etc. See the link at the end of this article. . . . . . . 

From the official Comics Calvacade press release . . . . .

Kieron Gillen's alternate history WW2 epic of Axis Germany developing the first enhanced humans returns with UBER: INVASION!

After leaving fans with the greatest cliffhanger ending ever, its finally time to bring UBER back for an all-new massive series, with your help! Kieron Gillen returns with artist Daniel Gete for a shocking new chapter in the UBER epic, as the Germans use their monstrous power to invade America!

Backer rewards include Slipcase Sets, Limited Editions, CGC Signature Series Comics, T-Shirts, Digital Copies, and more!

Fans and critics alike agree that UBER is a breathtaking masterpiece, and Alan Moore offers the most compelling of raves: "Situating the superhuman in its only credible real-life context, UBER gives us an appallingly logical and brilliantly-imagined world where the Third Reich’s science lived up to its rhetoric. In a carefully-realized geopolitical landscape, the giant names of the Second World War act out their revised destinies to jaw-dropping and spectacular effect, with Kieron Gillen right at the top of his dazzling form and his artistic collaborators expertly embellishing the vast historical canvas he’s prepared for them. Making fifteen-foot-tall invulnerable monsters with reality-warping psychic abilities seem as acceptable and grimly inevitable in its alternate timeline as nuclear weapons came to seem in ours, UBER is simply the most compelling, addictive and ambitious ongoing comic-book series that I have seen in years. Unless you happen to be made of vapour, it will grip you and refuse to let you go." - Alan Moore



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