American Mythology participates in Baltimore Comic Con 2016

American Mythology's Fall Lineup on Display at Baltimore Comic-Con

September 2-4, 2016 Baltimore Convention Center

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - August 15, 2016 - American Mythology Productions (AM) will be one of the featured publishers at this year's Baltimore Comic-Con, hailed as "America's Greatest Comic Book Convention" as it enters its 16th exciting year. The company is hoping to continue to attract and introduce new fans to its rapidly expanding catalogue of licensed and creator-owned titles such as: Stargate: AtlantisThe Pink PantherThe Three StoogesEquilibriumThe Land That Time ForgotZombie-ProofWerewolves vs. Dinosaurs, and many others fan favorites. The convention has been a staple in the Baltimore community for many years and continues to grow in popularity, attracting fans and comic book professionals from all over the country. Tickets are now available at
AM's diverse collection of titles received another marked boost with the help of Roddenberry Entertainment. The company will release Days Missing: Enox as a full-color comic celebrating the sci-fi series' epic conclusion this fall. Also recently announced are AM's plans to release a new series of Stargate Universe comics, following their success with the Stargate Atlantis series. The SGU books will stay with the same format used in SGA, and continue directly from where the television series left off.
The company's all-ages comics will also be on display, from their hit Pink Panther comics, which will be released as a collected trade hard cover edition this November, to the new adventures of everyone's favorite funnymen - The Three Stooges - to be featured in this year's Halloween ComicFest in October. They'll also have convention exclusive editions of Pink Panther #1 and Equilibrium #1 on hand for sale to fans and attendees all weekend.
The booth will host many of the artists, writers, and editors that are currently working with the company, like comic book veteran Mike Wolfer, who both wrote and provided art for the company's release of the Edgar Rice Burrough's The Land That Time Forgot. Wolfer is also releasing a new horror comic this fall through the company, Crypt of Screams, coming this November! Comics legend Greg LaRoque will be there talking about his recent art for the company's Stargate Atlantisbooks. Writers James Kuhoric and S.A. Check will be promoting their work with The Three StoogesPink Panther, and other upcoming comics. And Natalie Jane, comic book letterer extraordinaire, will be on hand all weekend to talk comics with fans. Finally, there will be an Equilibrium exclusive mega-signing at the convention, featuring not just one, but nearly all of the book's contributors, Pat ShandMatt SlayDan ParsonsMike Wolfer, and Natalie Jane on Saturday and Sunday 2:00 - 3:00 at the American Mythology booth, in a rare treat for fans of the series.

"Baltimore Comic-Con is an East Coast tradition that we're proud to be a part of this year," said Michael Bornstein, American Mythology's Publisher. "Many of the various creators, writers, and artists attending this year have participated with the convention in years past, but this time they'll be there under the American Mythology banner, and we couldn't be more delighted to have such an eclectic and talented group of individuals representing us on such a wide array of comics and upcoming projects. We're uber-excited with where we've come as a publisher in such a short amount of time, and the folks there that weekend have played a large part in getting us there. Make sure you stop by the booth and chat with each of them. We're just getting started and have some amazing surprises and events coming fans' way in the near future that I'm sure will keep readers turning our pages!"


About American Mythology Productions

American Mythology Productions (AM) is an intellectual property development firm that works in the areas of licensed, company-owned, co-owned and creator-owned comic books and other media. AM has working relationships with C3 Entertainment, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., MGM, Miramax, and other companies for titles including The Three StoogesThe Land That Time ForgotThe Pink PantherStargate AtlantisStargate UniverseEquilibrium, and others.


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