EDITOR’S NOTE:  This is the third consecutive month where we take a look at the monthly PREVIEWS catalog and highlight the books we feel should be added to your pre-order list.  In order to keep the list as short as possible (Just imagine how tough that can be!), we focus on new titles or first volume collections only.  

Your local comic shop depends on your pre-orders to help prevent shortages or overstocks.  Since business reality makes it impossible for a local comic shop to order some of everything, they need you to tell them what you want to see. Please give it a try. 

 Pick up a copy of the August PREVIEWS at your local comic shop, or visit the online catalog at  Then give your local comic store the list of what you want to pre-order for October 2016. We’ll do our best here to help you with those selections, from a BC Refugees point of view.  Not objective, but absolutely subjective.

JESSICA JONES #1:  (W) Brian Michael Bendis (A) Michael Gaydos (CA) David Mack.  A great character with lots of issues. If this series isSTL019975 anything close to Marvel’s ALIAS Volume 1 and/or JESSICA JONES on Netflix, then it should be awesome. Especially with original creator Brian Michael Bendis telling the story!

From the PREVIEWS catalog: "She is back after a decade! A lot has changed in the Marvel Universe and there are still many secrets hiding in the shadows. Secrets only a special woman like Jessica Jones can hope to uncover. Discover the haunting secrets from Jessica's past in this blistering new series. Alias Investigations is open for business.



MOSAIC #1:  (W) Geoffrey Thorne (A) Khary Randolph (CA) Stuart Immonen.  Wow!  A honest-to-goodness new character in their own series from Marvel!  And an Inhuman to boot!  This series has promise.  We prefer to take a chance with this one over SOLO, the third new series debuting from Marvel this month.  That doesn’t look so original. 

From the PREVIEWS catalog: "Professional basketball player and world renowned celebrity, Morris Sackett, gains extraordinary abilities, at the grave cost of his own mortal body. Imbued with the ability to jump from person to person like a ghost, he controls the bodies and memories of those he inhabits. With his own body destroyed, the one-time superstar athlete must rely on others to survive. The saga of the newest Marvel Inhuman MOSAIC begins here!
Rated T+"




ANGEL CITY #1 of 6:  (W) Janet Harvey (A/CA) Megan Levens.  We hesitate to plant the “original” sticker on this one. However, we just can’t resist hard boiled crime noir when it’s done right.  Oni Press has a reputation for making this work.  Looking forward to seeing this one.

From the PREVIEW catalog:  "Introducing ANGEL CITY, a hard-boiled 1930s noir starring Dolores Dare, previous Hollywood hopeful and current enforcer for the Volante mob. When her best friend turns up dead in a dumpster behind the Chinese Theater, Dolores starts her own investigation of the "April Fool's Killer."  As she gets closer to the truth, the studios, the corrupt homicide division, and even her own gangland contacts work to cover up the scandal. Has she bitten off more than she can chew?"


HEART THROB VOLUME 1: (W) Christopher Sebela (A/CA) Robert Wilson Iv = Here’s Volume 1 of a title we featured in our PREVIEWS Pre-Order picks a couple months ago.  An advance solicitation for the trade paperback of the first story arc (to be published in December 2016).  This is a must have!

From the PREVIEWS catalog: "Callie was born with a bad heart. After it ruined her life, she went looking for a miracle: a heart transplant. Now she's got a brand new heart, but she's still stuck with a crappy job, crappy boyfriend, and crappy prospects.

Enter Mercer, a mystery man who gets Callie's heart beating like crazy. As her behavior changes and their flirting deepens, Mercer reveals he's her heart donor. Only Callie can see, speak to, and touch him - and he's in love with her, a love she feels just as strongly.

A master thief when he died, Mercer offers to teach Callie his criminal ways and how to turn them against her old job and kick off a nationwide crime spree. Hunted by the FBI and popping heart meds to stay alive, Callie will find out that nothing's as scary as two people in love with nothing to lose."



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