BCC 2016 Yearbook to feature ARCHIE

from the official Baltimore Comic Con press release . . . . . . . .

Artwork by Andrew Pepoy
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - August 1, 2016 - The Baltimore Comic-Con's Yearbook returns in 2016, celebrating the creators appearing at the show taking place Friday, September 2nd through Sunday, September 4th, 2016. This book of art features interpretations of characters from Archie Comics, sometimes in conjunction with their own creations, in a celebration of creator-owned properties.

Beautifully designed by returning guest and Love and Capes creator Thom Zahler, the book comes in a standard and, for VIP ticketholders, a limited VIP cover edition.
Artwork by Brandon Peterson
The Archie Comics line of comic books is one of the most successful, longest-running, family-owned brands in the history of the comics industry. Starting publication in 1941 as MLJ Magazines, Archie Comics have sold 2 billion comics, are published in a dozen different foreign languages, and are distributed all over the world. Archie Andrews first appeared in Pep Comics #22 in December of 1941, and appeared in its longest-running title, Archie Comics, since winter 1942 until its relaunch in July of 2015. Archie Comics has spawned characters whose popularity have spilled over into other media and who have become part of popular culture. Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Josie and The Pussycats are just some of the many legendary franchises that are part of the Archie Comics Library which have been adapted to stage, the small screen in cartoons and live action, the large screen, and products and goods of all shapes and sizes.

Once again, our popular scavenger hunt returns in 2016! When you buy the book, you'll get a list of over 75 Yearbook contributors and their table numbers. If you succeed in your hunt, you can get your choice of bonus prints!

Artwork by Adam Hughes

"We are honored and excited to have Archie be the focus of the Baltimore Comic-Con Yearbook. It's not often that we see so many wide-ranging interpretations of Archie and his friends in one place. It's a true collector's item that emphasizes how important these characters are to pop culture," said Archie Comics President Mike Pellerito. "Thanks to Marc Nathan and his team for putting together such a special, one-of-a-kind celebration of Archie. A nice way to celebrate his 75th."

Artwork by Allison Sohn

"Rather than going with an independent creator this year, we went with an independent (family-owned) publisher with Archie Comics," said Marc Nathan, promoter of the Baltimore Comic-Con. "Archie Comics hold a special place in my heart, as I couldn't get enough of it growing up. I would buy the comics and digests and even sent away for them via mail-order. To allow our guests to play with their characters for the 2016 Yearbook was a special treat, and the pieces we received are, as you would expect, varied and fantastic. Our art auction is going to be be another hotly contested event in 2016 -- take a look at the selections and start your strategies for how to acquire the items you want now, because the competition is!"

Artwork by Elias Chatzoudis

The art created for the 2016 Baltimore Comic-Con Yearbook celebrating the characters of Archie Comics will be auctioned off at the Baltimore Comic-Con Art Auction on Saturday, September 3rd at 5pm. Fans and art collectors alike won't want to miss this opportunity to win these one-of-a-kind items, only available at the Baltimore Comic-Con!

Artwork by Mike Cavallaro

Don't miss this opportunity to own original art featuring David's characters as depicted by artists including Scott Ambruson, John Anderson, Jeff Balke, Marty Baumann, Carolyn Belefski, Reilly Brown, Ryan G. Browne, Dave Bullock, Jim Calafiore, Chris Campana, Richard Case, Christa Cassano, Justin Castaneda, Mike Cavallaro, Elias Chatzoudis, Howard Chaykin, Sean Chen, Frank Cho, Matthew Clark, Richard Clark, Steve Conley, Katie Cook, Stephen Coughlin, J. Robert Deans, Joe Eisma, Chris Flick, Ramona Fradon, Franchesco Francavilla, Franco, Alexis Frederick-Frost, John Gallagher, Mark Goldner, Jason Gounger, Dawn Griffin, Dean Haspiel, Meghan Hetrick, Adam Hughes, Chris Kemple, Barry Kitson, Rachel Korsen, Mike Lilly, Nate Lovett, Mark Mariano, John McCrea, Mike McKone, Carl Speed McNeil, Joe Mulvey, Jamar Nicholas, Dan Nokes, Jim O'Riley, Chris Otto, Tom Palmer, Dan Parsons, Paul Pelletier, Andrew Pepoy, David Petersen, Brandon Peterson, Lyle Pollard, Mark Poulton, Andy Price, Ron Randall, Paul Renaud, Emily Romano, Craig Rousseau, Stephane Roux, Joe Rubinstein, Jeff Shultz, Matt Slay, Andy Smith, John K. Snyder III, Nicky Soh, Allison Sohn, Tu-Kwon Thomas, Jeremy Treece, David Trustman, Billy Tucci, Mark Waid, Mark Wheatley, Matt Wieringo, Javier Cruz Winnik, Kurt Wood, Rich Woodall, and Thom Zahler!


The book will be sold, and the art auction will be held at 5pm on Saturday, September 3rd in our Main hall, in the Exclusives Booth in the lobby. The book will be available at the Baltimore Comic-Con for $29.99.


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