Inker Joe Giella to receive Lifetime Achievement Award

from the official Baltimore Comic Con press release . . . . . . .

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - August 15, 2016 - The Hero Initiative, the charitable organization dedicated to helping veteran comic creators in medical or financial need, announces Joe Giella as the 2016 Lifetime Achievement recipient. This award promotes the merits of a dedicated career in the comic book industry and recognizes individuals who have produced outstanding work in this American art form. Joe Giella will accept the honor at the 2016 Harvey Awards in recognition for his longevity as DC Comics inker and Mary Worth pencil artist.  Tickets for the Harvey Awards and Baltimore Comic-Con are available now.

Long before drawing Mary WorthJoe Giella started his career during the Golden Age of comics, working at Fawcett and Timely Comics during the 1940s. Starting in the late 1940s, Giella worked at DC Comics on titles such as The FlashGreen LanternStrange Adventures, and Batman under the direction of Julius Schwartz. He continued working for DC all the way through the 1960s and 1970s, inking for top talents of the Silver Age such as Mike Sekowsky, Carmine Infantino, and into the Bronze Age with Gil Kane and Dick Dillin. 
He remained a constant artist of DC Comics through the early 1980s. Since 1991, Joe Giella has drawn Mary Worth for King Features, up until his retirement this year, and previously worked on Flash Gordon and The Phantom comic strips. As Joe retires from the business, Hero Initiative and Baltimore Comic-Con are honored to have him as our guest. Hero will host this top talent all weekend!
The Lifetime Achievement Award will be offered at the the 2016 Harvey Awards ceremony, on the evening of Saturday September 3rd at the Baltimore Comic-Con.

"Joe Giella is one of the greats" said Marc Nathan, promoter of the Baltimore Comic-Con. "We had an immediate positive response when we first published his name as attending the show, and to honor him with The Hero Initiative Lifetime Achievement Award at this year's Harveys is going to be the cherry on the sundae. We cannot wait!"



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