Attention Horror Comics Creators! Submit to GHASTLY AWARDS

Horror comics are becoming more and more frequent in our reading culture, and the Ghastly Awards are here to recognize, through Horror Comic submissions, those that shine the brightest. We encourage all Comic Creators to take the time to head over to http://www.ghastlyawards.comand submit your work for 2013 Ghastly Award Nomination consideration.
from the official Ghastly Awards press release . . . . .

Submit your Horror Comics today for 2016 Ghastly Award Consideration!

2016 Submissions are being accepted until Dec. 31, 2016!

Hello everyone! Can you believe it is already September? We are emailing you today to just remind you that you can submit your Horror Comic work throughout the entire calendar year for Ghastly Award Consideration. We are already less than 2 months away from the end of 2016 and we need your books for consideration!

So what can you submit? 
If your book came out in 2016 it is eligible to be submitted. It's that simple! We just have a few things that we want to make you aware of depending on what category your book falls into:

 Ongoing Titles: Please try to send us a full arc for consideration, title must have released more than 4 issues in the calendar year.
• Limited Series: The series needs to have ended in 2016, otherwise it is only considered for Creator Categories.
• One Shot: It's one and done, so send it in.
• Anthology: If it has 3 stories or more it will be considered for Anthology. We also consider titles that have a different story in each issue to be an anthology.
• OGN: If it has at least 52 pages and is self contained it will be considered.
• Archival: Is it a collection of material that was released prior to 2011? If so it will be considered.
• Short Story: All short stories in submitted Anthologies will be considered. You may also submit a short story that ran in a non-horror publication.
• Cover: All books submitted will be considered for Best Cover, but if you would like us to consider variants please send them to us as well.
• All Creator Categories: All Creators on all books submitted will be considered.

So how can you submit? 
All you need to do to submit your Horror Comics for consideration is send them to us at We accept PDF, CBR and CBZ files. If you want to send hard copies you can, but the Judges are all over the United States and Canada. We just want to make it easier, and cheaper, for you.

For more info on how to submit please go to

When will Nominees be announced? 
Nominees for the 2016 Awards will be announced February 1, 2017.

How do I contact the Ghastly Awards with questions? 
Need to contact us? No problem at all, send us an email at

We Need You!

Would you like to be a sponsor of the Ghastly Awards? We are looking for sponsors to help cover costs for the awards, mailing costs and the website. For only $25 or $50 you can help. Your sponsorship will be good for 1 year, and we will ask you after the year is up if you would like to renew. To signup please go to

A $25 Sponsor will get: Their logo and link put on Their logo and link put on the Ghastly Awards Facebook Page

A $50 Sponsor will get: Their logo and link put on Their logo and link put on the Ghastly Awards Facebook Page Their logo and link put on all emails sent out by the Ghastly Awards

Thank You Everyone!  

The Ghastly Awards thank all of you for what you do. We love Horror Comics and we love sharing them with the world. We look forwards to your submissions in what will again be another amazing year in Comics! 



Decapitated Dan, Mike Howlett
, Denise Dutton, Daniel Viney and James Ferguson.


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