A Kickstarter worth consideration: THE HARD CODE

 EDITOR’S NOTE:  We get occasional updates from Ramon Gil regarding his various projects. For some time we have been following his latest project, THE HARD CODE, through the free pages posted on his website. A Kickstarter has launched to fund the first two issues, and we recommend the project to our readers. You can decide for yourself i you want to participate by clicking on the links below.  The interview with artist Trevor Von Eeden is lengthy but worth reading as it contains numerous comic industry insights.  The reprint of Ramon Gil’s email newsletter is below. Visit his website at http://www.ramongil.com/?utm_source=The+Trevor+Von+Eeden+Issue&utm_campaign=self-publishing&utm_medium=email

We might as well call this the Trevor Von Eeden Issue!
Trevor Von Eeden Lets It All Hang Out 
As some of you may know, I was really excited to be able to get the legendary Trevor Von Eeden to draw my comic book series, The Hard Code. In order to help fund the print run, I set up a Kickstartercampaign and asked Trevor if he'd be willing to do an interview that I could possibly use as content for a Kickstarter reward. What I got back in his answers was shocking, to say the least, and reveals the soul of man who has seen it all in the comic book world. And he pulls no punches! Realizing that this was too important to release as Kickstarter reward to a very limited audience, I passed it on to mutual friend, Mark Mazz at Comic Creator News. For an in-depth look at Trevor, his start as DC's first Black illustrator, his artistic approach and processes, his loves, his bout with Cancer and his strained dealings with DC, click herehttp://comicscreatornews.com/trevor-von-eeden-speaks-out/?utm_source=The+Trevor+Von+Eeden+Issue&utm_campaign=self-publishing&utm_medium=email
The Hard Code Kickstarter Launches 
For those of you who would like to support more of Trevor's work, you can get copies of our latest series, The Hard Code, by pledging to the Kickstarter campaign currently underway. The Hard Code is a sci-fi story about NYPD detectives Garcia and Drake, an android, as they try to uncover a conspiracy that may ignite a war between man and machine. Things are further complicated as the two are also having an affair. A tale about race and love, filled with over-the-top action and snappy dialogue, The Hard Code is not to be missed! Check out the Kickstarter here:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ramongil/the-hard-code?utm_source=The+Trevor+Von+Eeden+Issue&utm_campaign=self-publishing&utm_medium=email

The Nuts & Bolts of Making Comics
I'm at it again, spreading the gospel of self-publishing at the upcoming New Jersey Toy Con in Parsippany! I'll be giving a crash course on several aspects of comic book creation including page layouts, marketing, funding, printing and more! The workshop happens, not once, but twice! On Saturday the 27th and Sunday the 28th! Get your tickets now at ToyConNJhttp://www.toyconnj.com/?utm_source=The+Trevor+Von+Eeden+Issue&utm_campaign=self-publishing&utm_medium=email


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