Baltimore Comic Con releases preliminary guest list

EDITOR’S NOTE: Here is the list of confirmed guests so far for the Baltimore Comic Con on September 22-24, 2017. The list was provided to us by the Baltimore Comic Con publicity chairman . . . . . . . . In addition to on-site CGC grading, this year's confirmed guests for the show include: Joel Adams ( Bucky O'Hare Graphic Novel Coloring Book ), Neal Adams ( Harley's Little Black Book ) Zeea Adams ( Neal Adams Monsters ) Jeremy Bastian ( Cursed Pirate Girl ) Marty Baumann ( Toybox Time Machine: A Catalog of the Coolest Toys Never Made ) Lee Bermejo ( Batman: Noel ) Reilly Brown ( Slapstick ), Mark Buckingham ( Everafter: From the Pages of Fables ), Dave Bullock ( The Rocketeer at War ), Buzz ( Superman: The Coming of the Supermen ) Jim Calafiore ( Surviving Megalopolis ) Richard Case ( King: Jungle Jim ) Elias Chatzoudis ( Peepland ) Frank Cho ( Skybourne ) Amy Chu ( KISS ) Steve Conley ( The Middle Age ) Gerry Conway ( Amazing Spi...