Comic Buyers Guide Fan Awards 2010

          The finalists have been announced and voting will take place between now and May 31, 2010 for the CBG Fan Awards 2010.  You can cast your vote for your favorite nominees at the web site.

          For discussion purposes I’m going to list my picks here. I welcome your comments, feedback, etc. I hope some of you will make your picks public as well. This could be fun.

  1. FAVORITE EDITOR - - - Joe Quesada
  2. FAVORITE WRITER - - - Ed Brubaker
  3. FAVORITE PENCILLER - - - J H Williams III
  4. FAVORITE INKER - - - Scott Williams
  5. FAVORITE COLORIST  - - - Paul Mounts
  6. FAVORITE LETTERER - - - Chris Eliopoulas
  7. FAVORITE COVER ARTIST - - - John Cassaday
  8. FAVORITE STORY - - - Sgt. Rock & The Lost Battalion
  9. FAVORITE SERIES  - - - Jonah Hex
  11. FAVORITE CHARACTER - - - Captain America
  12. FAVORITE PUBLISHER  - - - Boom Studios


  1. FAVORITE EDITOR - - - Dan Didio
    FAVORITE WRITER - - - David Gallaher
    FAVORITE PENCILLER - - - J.H. Williams III
    FAVORITE INKER - - - Kevin Nowlan
    FAVORITE COLORIST - - - Laura Martin
    FAVORITE LETTERER - - - Todd Klein
    FAVORITE COVER ARTIST - - - Adam Hughes
    FAVORITE STORY - - - Asterios Polyp (Pantheon)
    FAVORITE SERIES - - - Amazing Spider-Man (Marvel)
    FAVORITE ORIGINAL GRAPHIC NOVEL - - - Asterios Polyp (Pantheon)

    This is what I did with the choices I had available, although there were more than a few cases where I wish there was a write-in category. Still, though, J.H. Williams III on Detective Comics has blown just about every other artist out of the water this year. Kevin Nowlan continues to impress, frequently on Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez's superior pencils. Todd Klein is a master inker. Amazing Spider-Man has been one of the most consistent books on the market for the past two years (which is saying something, given the high publishing schedule and the rotating creative teams). So I'm not too crushed with these choices.

    (But if I could shove Kieron Gillen in there a few times it would be nice. Also, Christina Strain for colorist please.)

  2. Thanks for sharing, Shane. If you're still in the voting mood, and appreciate classic horror and monsters you can vote between now and April 4 for 2009 favorites at

  3. Without looking at your lists first, I went with:

    Favorite Editor: Joe Quesada
    Favorite Writer: Geoff Johns
    Favorite Penciller: J.H. Williams III
    Favorite Inker: Kevin Nowlan
    Favorite Colorist: Laura Martin
    Favorite Letterer: Todd Klein
    Favorite Cover Artist: John Cassaday
    Favorite Story: “Dark Reign” (New Avengers #48-50, Marvel)
    Favorite Series or Mini-Series: Amazing Spider-Man (Marvel)
    Favorite Original Graphic Novel: Richard Stark’s Parker: The Hunter (IDW)
    Favorite Character: Captain America
    Favorite Publisher: Boom! Studios


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