PREVIEWS: What’s new for Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lots of good books this week.  Here’s some of the highlights I consider worth your time  . . . .

BATMAN #3 (DC) - - - Loved the first two issues.  Time to pick up Issue #3 of my 3-issue trial.  I think this one is staying in my monthly rotation.

BLUE ESTATE #7 (IMAGE) - - - Quirky, pulp fiction set in urban Los Angeles with all the seedy, depraved, conflicted, manipulative and neurotic characters you could hope for in a single cast.  Great escapism. Mature readers only.

FEAR ITSELF #7.3 (MARVEL) - - - You’ve come this far.  Why not see it through to the after-conclusions?

HAPPINESS IS A WARM BLANKET, CHARLIE BROWN Trade Paperback  (BOOM!) - - - - An original graphic novel based on the beloved characters.  I’ve seen a preview of this in PEANUTS #0 and it’s faithful to the Schultz legacy.  And delightful. 

HAWKEN #1 of 6 (IDW) - - -  Can’t wait to see the latest dark Western saga from Tim Truman.  A collaboration with his son.

iZOMBIE #19 (DC) - - - - Lot of dark fun with the undead and assorted monsters courtesy of writer Chris Roberson and artist Mike Allred.  You can jump in anytime and pick up on the story.  If you do, you’ll come back for more.

JUSTICE LEAGUE #3 (DC) - - - This will be the capper issue that determines if I continue with this series. Issue #1 had great art but a disappointing script.  The story in Issue #2 was much better and the art took it to another level.

KEY OF Z  #2 of 4 (BOOM!) :  I turned out to be right about what effect Ewing’s little musical artifact would have on the zombies.  This issue turns into a “heard it before” tale of two rival gangs jockeying for territory, etc reminiscent of  THE WARRIORS and the ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK / ESCAPE FROM L.A. films.  However, the art by newcomer Carlos Magno is worth your attention. 

PLANET OF THE APES #8  (BOOM!) - - - Second story arc ends this issue, but the conflict is far from over. If you have been following this series you will go crazy for the art in the battle scenes this issue. It’s a damn shame that human leader Sullivan and apes leader Alaya have grown so far apart since their days as students together.  In order to avoid a blood bath, Sullivan negotiates and puts her trust in Alaya. Let’s hope she doesn’t regret it. 

SCALPED VOLUME 8:  YOU GOTTA SIN TO GET SAVED Trade Paperback  (DC) - - -  One of the best alternative (non-superhero) continuing stories you can buy for your hard-earned dollar.  I’m several volumes behind,  but I trust scripter Aaron has been maintaining the high level of quality on this title.

WONDER WOMAN #3  (DC) - - - One of the NEW 52 books I picked up on a whim.  I feel I’ll be picking this one up for months to come.  I like the way this is being handled, combining the mythic with the contemporary, and the darker themes under the surface.

See you at the local comic shop!


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