PREVIEWS: What’s new for Wednesday, November 23, 2011?


Lots of books for your reading pleasure see new release tomorrow, in another week dominated by DC’s NEW 52!

ALL STAR WESTERN #3  Jonah Hex in Gotham, partnered with Dr. Arkham and in real danger from a secret society of power-hungry business villains. It’s been very good so far - - but a little different from the usual Jonah Hex fare.

AMERICAN VAMPIRE VOL 1 TPB  Good timing on DC’s part to put this out now during the increasing interest in the work of Scott Snyder on BATMAN and SWAMP THING (well deserved). This is the beginning of his vampire saga co-written with Stephen King, and definitely worth a look.

AQUAMAN #3 Continues to poke fun at itself in a light-hearted fashion. On the other hand, this is a no-nonsense bad ass Aquaman and hungry Trenchers are a bit scary.

BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT #3 Love the art.  Story’s not bad either.

CALIGULA #5 of 6 Possibly the most disturbing book that David Lapham has written, certainly the most gruesome and gory.  Absolutely shocking!

DARK HORSE PRESENTS #6  You can’t find a better assortment of short stories anywhere.  Loaded with great art, great writers, and continuing fantasy sagas in small bite-sized segments.  Check it out!

DEADPOOL MAX 2 #2 The lighter side of David Lapham. Pair him up with Kyle Baker and you get a wacky, wild, and very adult-themed version of Deadpool.  I laughed at lot at Volume 1.  Expect the same chuckles here.

DEMON KNIGHTS #3 One of the books I picked up Issue #1 on a whim and stuck around for more. The Magnificent Seven, indeed!  A very pleasant surprise outside the ordinary realm of DC.

FEAR ITSELF #7.2  I said it before - - we’ve come this far so we may as well see how this plays out. I’m holding onto all the issues until it’s over so I can have a marathon reading.

THE FLASH #3 Another pleasant surprise.  Some very creative ways to illustrate how fast Barry is.

IRON MAN 2.0 #10  Only three issues left to wrap up the compelling twisted story of Palmer Addley.

JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #3  I really like this pairing up of dark characters from DC, and trust Peter Milligan to keep surprising me.

KAPOW: GUINESS WORLD RECORD SPECIAL  Say no more - - a record breaker and a worthy fund raiser for charity.

RASL #12  I haven’t been following this, but I hear great things.  I did love the first 4 issues.

SCALPED VOL 8 TPB: YOU GOTTA SIN TO GET SAVED Aaron is awesome at writing a whole lot more than super-heroes.

SIXTH GUN #17  Weird dark occult western continues to be a good read.

STITCHED #1  Another Avatar variation on the undead.  Mummified corpses are re-animated to battle both NATO forces and the Taliban in the Afghan desert.  New madness from writer Garth Ennis and artist Mike Wolfer.

WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN #2 I was surprised by the humorous semi-serious touch of Issue #1.   A nice surprise from the X-Men stable of titles.

UNWRITTEN VOL 4 TPB: LEVIATHAN Mike Carey is writing a break-through epic alternative comic.

See you at the comics store!


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