GEOFF JOHNS, WRITER. JIM LEE, PENCILS. SCOTT WILLIAMS, INKER. ALEX SINCLAIR, COLORIST. PATRICK BROSSEAU, LETTERER. $3.99 (24 page main story and 4 page sketchbook feature) NOTE: Do not- - - DO NOT ! - - read this review if you have not read your copy of JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 yet! Instead, pick it up and read it now. I’ll wait for you. This is the book that many comics fans have patiently waited for. It’s so monumental an event that even DC made sure everybody knew how important it was by only releasing two super-hero titles this week: FLASHPOINT #5 - - the end of the current era, and JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 - - the beginning of the new age. Is it a really a huge event? - - - Is it a significant break-through? - - - Is it worth the hype and worth the money? . . . . . Well . . . . . . . . . . I’m happy. Artist extraordinaire Jim Lee is a personal favorite. As I mentioned before, I am buying this book for the ar...