Indie Comics Horror gets some 2012 award nominations


INDIE COMICS HORROR Volume 1, Issue #1  (Aazurn Publishing, Winter 2012)

For more than a year now, INDIE COMICS MAGAZINE ( has been providing a showcase for “the best story and art from independent comic book creators.” Sold almost exclusively through pre-orders at local comic book stores, the success of the flagship title has made it possible to add this second title, dedicated to the horror genre.


INDIE COMICS HORROR is a somewhat smaller version of its brother/sister title, with 48 pages in black and white and focusing on the works of six separate creative teams. This is a high-quality endeavor, and has been nominated for The Horror News Network’s 2012 Horror Comic Award. ( and also the 2012 Ghastly Horror Awards.  (See related article in January 2013 BC archives. )

To read a complete review of this issue, click the link below . . . . . . . . . . .  .


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