June 2016 PREVIEWS pre-order picks; HEAVY METAL

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Continuing a new feature, as we peruse the monthly PREVIEWS catalog and highlight some books we feel are worthy of your attention.


Your local comic shop depends on your pre-orders to make sure they have the books you want when you want them. Since business reality makes it impossible for a local comic shop to order some of everything, they depend on the comics readers to tell them what they want to see.  It’s a dice roll for them every month.  Won’t you help with the odds by at least telling them what you want to buy from them in two months?  Please give it a try.  We’ll do our best here to help you with those selections, from a BC Refugees point of view.  Not objective, but absolutely subjective.

HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE  page 367  http://www.heavymetal.com

AFTERMATH: BIG CLEAN #1  Writer, artist, covers Kevin Molen, Matt Molen: Heavy Metal has been dipping their toes in the comic book waters lately, a few books at a time.  HOAXSTL012706 HUNTERS had an interesting premise, but we couldn’t get into it.  We’re going out on a limb here by suggesting this next two titles, but we have a good feeling about them.  None of this has nothing to do with new editor in chief Grant Morrison.  We’ll be watching the magazine a little closer to see if he makes any significant changes there.

From the catalog: The Molen brothers - - part Sam Keith, part Simon Bisely — deliver an action-packed punch.  This ongoing series chronicles a post-apocalyptic future dominated by the cartoon empire Walden where a handful of individuals have been selected for imperial citizenship.  Though veiled in celebratory excitement, this rollercoaster-centric ceremony is deadly serious — a secret final evaluation.  And what all newcomers quickly learn is that behind his welcoming grin, Dewey Dog, master of the Walden empire, is quite rabid. 

ATOLL #1 of 5  Writer Tim Daniel, Art / Cover Ricardo Drumond:  Who doesn’t like a good illustrated tale of shark menace?

From the catalog:  When the burlap sack is ripped from her head, decorated Olympic athlete Story Helms finds herself seated on a steel platform overlooking an arena somewhere far off the northwestern coat of Australia.  Welcome to The Atoll, where abductees are pitted in combat against the world’s deadliest apex predator, Majesty, a twenty-one foot Great White shark.  Story is next in the ring — how long will she last? Place your bets.


The Atoll 1 featured


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