June 2016 PREVIEWS pre-order picks: IMAGE COMICS

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Continuing a new feature, as we peruse the monthly PREVIEWS catalog and highlight some books we feel are worthy of your attention.

Your local comic shop depends on your pre-orders to make sure they have the books you want when you want them. Since business reality makes it impossible for a local comic shop to order some of everything, they depend on the comics readers to tell them what they want to see.  It’s a dice roll for them every month.  Won’t you help with the odds by at least telling them what you want to buy from them in two months?  Please give it a try.  We’ll do our best here to help you with those selections, from a BC Refugees point of view.  Not objective, but absolutely subjective.

IMAGE COMICS  page 189  https://imagecomics.com

THE BLACK MONDAY MURDERS #1:  We love a good crime comic.  Nobody publishes more quality crime comics than Image Comics.  Thanks, Image!

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From the catalog:  “MAMMON.  All Hail God Money!  From Jonathan Hickman (East of West, Secret Wars, Avengers) and Tomm Coker (Undying Love) comes a new crypto-noir series about the power of dirty, filthy money - and exactly what kind of people you can buy with it.  THE BLACK MONDAY MURDERS is classic occultism where the various schools of magic are actually clandestine banking cartels who control all of society:  a secret world where vampire Russian oligarchs, Black popes, enchanted American aristocrats, and hitmen from the International Monetary Fund work together to keep ALL OF US in our proper place."

KILL OR BE KILLED #1:  The modern American master of crime comics is Ed Brubaker, and when he pairs up with Sean Phillips the resuUnnamed 14 600x391lts are criminally good. Don’t believe us?  Go check some of these out.  Maybe start with THE FADE OUT or FATALE or the various volumes of CRIMINAL, etc.

From the catalog:  “The bestselling team of Ed Brusker and Sean Phillips (The Fade Out, Criminal, Fatale) launch their new monthly series: KILL OR BE KILLED.  The twisted story of a young man who is forced to kill bad people, and how he struggles to keep his secret as it slowly ruins his life and the lives of his friends and loved ones.  Both a thriller and  a deconstruction of vigilantism, KILL OR BE KILLED is unlike anything Brubaker and Phillips have ever done."

3 FLOYDS: ALPHA KING #4 of 5:  Brian Azzarello doing a sword and sorcery book?  Yes! Art by Simon Bisley.  Yes!  Inspired by 
  line of craft beers from a heavy metal minded micro-brewery in Indiana?  Triple Yes!  

From the catalog:  “Alpha King and his band of merry freak-shows attempt to take a break for cold beers before the final siege.  There’s no rest of the wicked and no quiet for our king in another demented issue of the most insane fantasy epic you’ve ever read."

SNOTGIRL #2:  How do you follow up after SCOTT PILGRIM?  This ought to do it.  Hope it’s as much fun.

From the catalog:  “Lottie lays low after last month’s alarming events, but she still has to deal with her stalker!  Sounds gross!  Can you change the title?, say our moms.  The hottest new series is SNOTGIRL from Bryan Lee O’Malley  (Scott Pilgrim) and Leslie Hung. 



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