Download free copy of Volume One CROSSROADS OF FATE

EDITOR’S NOTES:  Pro Se Productions is a genre publisher of pulp fiction themed stories. They are offering DAUGHTER OF DESTINY, the first volume in the CROSSROADS OF FATE series to our readers for free.  Volume Two in the series, BETRAYALS, has just been published.

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from the official press release . . . . . . . .

With the recent release of HC Playa's BETRAYALS, Pro Se Productions would like to celebrate the latest volume in the CROSSROADS OF FATE series by offering the first volume in the series-DAUGHTER OF DESTINY- as a FREE digital download for Three Days!

Go to this site . . . . .

and enter the code ST53U to get DAUGHTER OF DESTINY for free! And remember, BETRAYALS is now available in Print and Digital Format at Amazon and other outlets!


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