SCORCH Campaign Almost Ready to Launch on Kickstarter

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Readers may recognize writer/artist/creator Ashley Witter from the recent SQUARRIORS, where her art style was quite different from SCORCH, which is intended as a trade paperback collection of her popular web comic. We are a fan of her talents and glad to learn that more of her work is making it to print. Devil’s Due is running the crowd-funding and publishing the book.  They have been very reliable in the past in completing projects funded this way, which is a new trend that Devil’s Due hopes to popularize with many independent comics creators and help them bring their deserving works to a larger audience.

From the official press release . . . . . . .

The Kickstarter campaign for SCORCH is in the works and almost ready to launch! But for now, check out the one-of-a-kind SCORCH_ offerings and exclusives by previewing the campaign on Kickstarter.

scorch TPB 01

About this project

Before her epic, Squarriors, and her interpretation of Anne Rice's Interview With A Vampire: Claudia's Story, Ashley Witter created SCORCH.

SCORCH (written & drawn by Ashley Witter) is the trials and tribulation of an immortal demon living as a human teenage girl called Scorch residing in suburban America. An immortal demon living on Earth? How? Scorch made a deal with a more powerful demon to get where she is. He now lives in her closet as a monster to keep tabs on her to make sure she pays of her debt to him: 10,000 SOULS, plus an exponentially growing interest. Not only is she paying off this large debt, Scorch sets out to discover her true past, prevent the end of the world, and just pass the 10th grade.

Originally posted on Smack Jeeves as a web comic, Ashley Witter & Devil's Due want to bring SCORCH to print.

With Kickstarter, Ashley Witter & Devil's Due hope to not only bring SCORCH to print as a collected trade paperback, but they really want to give readers that have been following SCORCH since 2007 a chance to receive KS exclusive SCORCH goodies. Of course, all this one-of-a-kind SCORCH awesomeness will only be available during the course of this Kickstarter and will not be available in stores or anywhere else afterwards.

"Squarriors is my epic, but SCORCH is my down-time, my fun, and my love. It was my first series and its fans have kept it alive for more than a decade. Releasing it as a TPB is every bit for them as much as it is for me."
- Ashley Witter

SCORCH - KS Exclusive Cover Trade PaperbackSCORCH - KS Exclusive Cover Trade Paperback

This Kickstarter campaign includes the standard cover for the SCORCH trade that will be available after the life of this campaign online and in comic shops. The Kickstarter Exclusive edition of the SCORCH trade paperback with a variant cover will only be offered in this campaign and nowhere else. Only Kickstarter Exclusive editions of SCORCH will be signed by Ashley Witter.



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