Archie Comics Creators Come to Baltimore Comic-Con 2015

From the official press release . . . . . .

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - June 1, 2015 - Tickets are now on sale for the 2015 Baltimore Comic-Con, taking place the weekend of September 25-27 at the Baltimore Convention Center  Join us in Baltimore's beautiful Inner Harbor for a weekend of comic excitement as we welcome Archie Comics creators Francesco Francavilla, Dan Parent, Andrew Pepoy, and Jeff Shultz.

Eisner and Eagle Award-winning Francesco Francavilla has found a niche in the comics industry with his noir stylings. His Afterlife with Archie from Archie Comics received a Harvey Award nomination in 2014 for Best New Series. He has also provided art on DC Comics' Detective Comics and Swamp Thing, Marvel's Black Panther: The Man Without Fear, and you will find his artwork gracing covers for Marvel's All-New Hawkeye, Master of Kung Fu, and Princess Leia, Archie's Archie vs. Predator and The Black Hood, and Dynamite Entertainment's Reanimator and The Twilight Zone: Shadow and Substance.




While Dan Parent has worked elsewhere, the bulk of his career has been spent with Archie Comics, where he began working immediately after graduating from The Kubert School. His work has covered a great range of work for the publisher on titles such as Archie, Betty and Veronica, Cheryl Blossom, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and Veronica. His groundbreaking work on Kevin Keller, the first openly gay character in the Archie Universe, earned him a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Comic Book. Most recently, in addition to his normal contributions to titles like Jughead and Archie Jumbo Comics Digest, Archie's Funhouse Comics Double Digest, Betty and Veronica, and World of Archie Comics Double Digest, he wrote and drew the Archie vs. Sharknado one-shot, and provided cover artwork for Archie vs. Predator.

Andrew Pepoy's early career was in the realm of fanzines, but he quickly transitioned to publishing work for large publishers like DC Comics and Marvel Comics while still in college. Largely known as an inker (though an artist and creator in his own right, with works like The Adventures of Simone and Ajax), this Eisner Award-winning talent has worked on characters as diverse as Superman, Spider-Man, Scooby-Doo, Sonic the Hedgehog, The Simpsons, Godzilla, and Wallace & Gromit among many others. You can find his recent work on titles such as Fables from DC Comics, The Simpsons and Futurama from Bongo Entertainment, Life with Archie and Betty and Veronica from Archie Comics, and Uncle Scrooge from IDW.

Jeff Shultz has illustrated stories of the Peanuts gang for BOOM! Studios, and was formerly a ghost artist for the Tom and Jerry newspaper strip, but he is probably best known for his work over the past 18 years with Archie Comics. Over the past 13 years, Shultz has been the artist for the long-running Betty and Veronica.

"It's great to have such great representation from Archie Comics, whose long-standing star has clearly been shining brighter in recent years," said Marc Nathan, promoter of the Baltimore Comic-Con. "All four of these gentlemen have contributed an amazing amount of work to comics, both to the Archie Universe and across the industry as a whole. We're thrilled to have them with us this year -- be there to meet them!"


General Admission and VIP Package tickets for Weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, as well as the Harvey Awards, are now on sale.  Visit for more information and to purchase your advanced tickets now, and as always, kids 10 and under get into the show free with a paid adult General Admission.

In addition to on-site CGC grading, this year's confirmed guests for the show include:  Neal Adams (All-New Captain America); Scott Ambruson (Azteca: Ciudad Paradiso);  Jeremy Bastian (Cursed Pirate Girl); John Beatty (Secret Wars); Christy Blanch (The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood); Mark Buckingham (Fables); Talent Caldwell (Grimm Fairy Tales Presents White Queen: Age of Darkness); Chris Campana (Kantara); Richard Case (Doom Patrol); Sean Chen (Secret Origins); Cliff Chiang (Wonder Woman); Frank Cho (Jungle Girl); Steve Conley (Bloop); Amanda Conner (Harley Quinn); Katie Cook (Gronk); Darwyn Cooke (Richard Stark's Parker); Todd Dezago (Perhapanauts); Joe Eisma (Morning Glories); Ramona Fradon (Spongebob Annual-Size Super-Giant Swimtacular); Francesco Francavilla (Secret Wars: Battleworld); John Gallagher (Buzzboy); Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (Batman '66: The Lost Episode); Daniel Govar (Marvel's Captain America: The Winter Soldier Prelude); Keron Grant (Father's Day); Laura Guzzo (Princeless: Short Stories for Warrior Women); Cully Hamner (Convergence: The Question); Dean Haspiel (The Fox); Russ Heath (G.I. Combat); h-eri (Ivory Dragon Studios); Jaime Hernandez (Love and Rockets); Ken Hunt (Talon); Klaus Janson (Superman); Dave Johnson (Inhumans: Attilan Rising); JG Jones (Strange Fruit); Chris Kemple (Red Vengeance); Denis Kitchen (The Best of Comix Book: When Marvel Went Underground); Barry Kitson (Empire: Uprising); Paul Levitz (Convergence: World's Finest Comics); Mike Lilly (Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Robyn Hood); Nate Lovett (Midnight Tiger); Kevin Maguire (Justice League); Mike Manley (Darkhawk); Mark Mariano (The Other Side of Hugless Hill); Laura Martin (Star Wars); Ron Marz (Convergence: Batman and Robin); Pop Mhan (He-Man: The Eternity War);  Terry Moore (Rachel Rising); Nen (The Memory Collectors); Tom Palmer (The Avengers); Jimmy Palmiotti (The Con Job); Dan Parent (Archie); Brent Peeples (Legenderry: Green Hornet); Andrew Pepoy (Afterlife with Archie); David Peterson (Mouse Guard); Khoi Pham (X-Men Legacy); Andy Price (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic); Ron Randall (Convergence: Catwoman); Budd Root (Cavewoman);  Don Rosa ( Donald Duck ); Craig Rousseau (Batman Beyond); Stephane Roux (Harley Quinn and Power Girl); Andy Runton (Owly); Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo); Matteo Scalera (Black Science); Jeff Shultz (Betty and Veronica); Bart Sears (Bloodshot); Louise Simonson (Convergence: Superman - The Man of Steel); Walter Simonson (Convergence: Superman - The Man of Steel); Matt Slay (The Sakai Project: Artists Celebrate Thirty Years of Usagi Yojimbo); Andy Smith (Earth 2); Matthew Dow Smith (X-Files Season 10); Charles Soule (Uncanny Inhumans); Jim Starlin (Thanos: The Infinity Relativity); Marcio Takara (Armor Wars); Ben Templesmith (Gotham by Midnight); Mark Texeira (Ghost Racers); Frank Tieri (Suicide Squad); Peter Tomasi (Green Lantern Corps); John Totleben (Swamp Thing); Jeremy Treece (King: Mandrake the Magician); Billy Tucci (Shi); James Tynion (Constantine: The Hellblazer);  Rick Veitch (Saga of the Swamp Thing); Charles Vess (Little Nemo: Dream Another Dream); Mark Waid ( Daredevil ); John Watson (Red Sonja); Matt Wieringo ('Ringo Scholarship Fund); Rich Woodall (Kyrra); Kelly Yates (Doctor Who); Thom Zahler (My Little Pony: Friends Forever); and Mike Zeck (Secret Wars) .


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