Free Comic Book Day 2015 Reviews: Part Eight

BOB’S BURGERS FCBD  (Dynamite Entertainment)  Various Writers and Artists.  “Bob’s Burgers” created by Loren Bouchard.

COVER APPEAL 0-3 POINTS:  An infinity cover always draws attention. Some collectors covet them.  My poor eyes can only see four layers deep into this one, but it would be fun to get a giant magnifying glass and take another look.  3 points.

Layout 1

STORY 0-3 POINTS: There are lots of stories here.  Seven, to be exact, ranging from 8 pages to just one single page. The single pagers contain sketches or simple ideas such as “Burger Of The Day Ideas” (Sixteen Canned Dills Burger, comes with extra pickles). There are 4 stories from 6-8 pages , and these do the best job of reflecting the flavor of the comedic television cartoon series. My favorites are “Louise’s Unsolved Mysteries And Curious Curiosities: Louise’s Legacy” (dealing with library book vandalism) and “Gene Belcher Present: Guys & Frogs, The Musical” (a frog infestation in the restaurant). These are all select reprints from each of the five-issue Bob’s Burgers mini-series. It’s a great cross section, and really respectful of the source material. As it should be, since most of the stories are written and illustrated by writers and artists from the TV show.  2 POINTS.

ART 0-3 POINTS: This book looks like the cartoon show.  Many of the stories were illustrated by artists who work on the show. It captures the feeling, complete with the goofy egg-eyes of all the family members.  I’m giving it the full points not because the art is spectacular, but because it’s a mirror image of the show. Well done.  3 POINTS.

YOUTH APPEAL 0-3 POINTS:  This may not be the best choice for the very young, but for all the rest, from elementary school through high school, it’s very appropriate.  I would actually enjoy reading this to a pre-school  or kindergarten student. I think they would be amused.  3 POINTS.

NEW READER APPEAL 0-3 POINTS: If you are familiar with the TV show, you will be very comfortable with the comic book. If you haven’t seen the show and want a preview of what it’s like, this book hits the mark.  3 POINTS.

PROMOTIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 0-3 POINTS: I think it would make sense for Dynamite to have a few ads in here to draw attention to their other youth-oriented titles, but the only ad is for an art book about dragons.  I’m not sure the Bob’s Burgers audience is the same audience for that.  Still, all the social media links are listed on the credits page - - but not everybody is going to look at that.  1 POINT.

BONUS POINTS = WOULD I PERSONALLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK? 0-2 POINTS:   I did not expect this to be as good as the TV show, but it really is. I recommend this to all fans of the show, as well as those curious about it. It’s a fun read, and about to become a monthly title at Dynamite for more good times. 2  POINTS.

FINAL RANKING FOR BOB’S BURGERS  = 17 POINTS – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.  A perfect example of representing the industry proudly.


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