Marvel Anthologies

As comic readers, we've been trained. It's almost as if we're dogs--we've been taught to purchase certain books, certain flagship titles, and we're rewarded by the big events that go on in them. Over the years, we've learned--maybe even without realizing it--to only buy books that "matter". If a title isn't by a big-name creator, if it doesn't have a lasting impact on one of the company's biggest characters, if people aren't dying or engaging in massive events--we don't read the book. Some of us will, sure, but not enough to shoot the title up on the sales charts without some ridiculous promotional gimmick--and, frequently, not enough will read the book to even keep it alive. There's much more to write about this--and I will, I'm going to try to write more in this blog than I have recently--but I just want to point out that, even though we, as readers, have been conditioned to only buy the very important titles, there are...