NYT Graphic Novel Gift Guide

I'm still working on entries about the first six issues of the books in the "Avengers" line and assessments of "Brightest Day" and "Generation Lost" now that they're both halfway done, but I just didn't have time to finish them last week. Thanks to Mike for keeping up the pace in the meantime. Also, I wanted to point out the New York Times' Holiday Gift Guide to Graphic Novels. It's a good list, and it's got a couple of my favorite books of the year on it: "Return of the Dapper Men" (available this week at a fine store near you!) and "The Outfit".


  1. If anyone isn't planning on buying Return of the Dapper Men, they're awful. There, I said it.

  2. That is a very fine list of recommendations. I may have to check out every single one of those titles at some point (not going to try and buy them all mind you - - borrow, trade, library etc).
    I've got the single issues of Kill Shakespeare and American Vampire and may get to them now sooner rather than later, with a possible review here. (Don't hold your breath - - I'm as far behind as everyone seems to be - - I think it's a virus).


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