Back To The Future Day in Newark, Delaware - - - A Story in Photos

There were several events throughout the town of Newark, Delaware on Wednesday, October 21 to celebrate BACK TO THE FUTURE DAY.  Most of those occurred in the store and parking lot of CAPTAIN BLUE HEN COMICS at 280 East Main Street.  A good crowd was in attendance and everyone seemed to be having fun.

A stainless steel/silver DeLorean (just like the one featured in the classic 1985 movie) was parked outside the store. 











The Wildwich food truck also shared some parking space and served up Back To The Future Themed food to help commemorate the occasion.

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Local author MARK LOWTHER visited the store to sign copies of MASTICATION NATION, a collection of stories from the Zombie Apocalypse.  Mark is pictured here at right, along with Deep Cover at left  (a civilized zombie).

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 Newark Gaming Store  DAYS OF KNIGHT also featured the BACK TO THE FUTURE GAME a variation on the classic Monopoly game.

Also, SKATE on Main Street showcased a replica of the BTTF hoverboard, complete with levitating discs on the underside of the board instead of wheels. However, no one could be coaxed into taking a ride on it. 

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