Today is last chance to vote for RONDO HATTON AWARDS XIII



EDITOR’S NOTES:  For some years now, we have participated in the voting for the Rondo Hatton Awards, a very worthy and fan-based recognition of classic horror creations for a particular year.  Today is your last chance to make your picks for the beset of 2014.  We’ve voted, and will share both our picks and the final winners in a future article.

Here’s a link to the ballot.  Read further below to learn more information and details.


from the official web site . . . . . .

Since 2002, the Rondo’s have been fandom’s only classic horror awards — decided by fans, for fans. Every nominee below is being recognized for significant work or achievement in the year 2014. 

HOW TO VOTE: – All voting is by e-mail only.  Simply copy this ballot and send an e-mail with your picks to me, David Colton, at by Sunday night at midnight, April 19
– You can cut-and-paste the ballot and highlight your choices, or place an X next to your choices; or you can type your choices in an e-mail.
– And no, you do not have to vote in every category.

– Send your votes to –

– One vote per person, please. Every e-mail must include your name to be counted.
– All votes are kept strictly confidential. No e-mail addresses or personal information will ever be shared with anyone.
– Feel free to spread the word about Rondo nominations — place Rondo banners on websites, go social on Twitter or Facebook, urge fans and friends to vote. But please remember that overly organized voting campaigns (mass duplication of ballots, for example), are prohibited. Let’s try to keep this a fun vote.
–Finally, thanks as always to the thousands of fans, pros and friends who have voted year after year. We look forward to hearing from you again. Let’s make RONDO XIII the best ever.


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