What’s New? = week of March 25, 2013


A & A

MARCH 25: Valiant Entertainment has announced a new story arc beginning in ARCHER & ARMSTRONG #0 (release date May 08) featuring the top secret story of history’s first epic fail. Armstrong will journey into the past in a special standalone tale of dinosaurs, robots, mad kings, and mortal combat that sets the stage for “Far Faraway”, the next four-part arc beginning in June. The epic of Gilgamesh is intertwined with the tale of three immortal brothers (Armstrong, The Eternal Warrior, and Timewalker) on a quest to recover the Boon.


MARCH 25: Steve Conley, writer/artist of BLOOP, the space monkey has recently wrapped up drawing all pages for the first BLOOP book and is now coloring and lettering them. This is targeted to be at the printers in early April. You can check out the web adventures of BLOOP right here . Steve will also be appearing this Saturday 3/30 at Cards, Comics & Collectibles in Reistertown, Maryland. He’ll be signing the cover he did for Adventure Time comic book. More information and driving directions can be found here .




MARCH 25: Bluewater Productions releases a new comic book STARLEX featuring Playboy cover model Jenny Poussin on March 27. Co-produced by Dead Bride Comics, STARLEX is written by Dan Barnes, former professional wrestler (“The Metrosexual” Danny Devine). Main character Alexis Starling was a photography student at Los Angeles University. While taking photos of a meteorite shower, a shooting star fuses with her body and she absorbs its power. Digital copies are available for $1.99 from ITunes, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Google Books, Drive Thru Comics, Wowio, and iVerse.


  1. RE: BLOOP info above . . . I tried to hyperlink to the sites. It isn't working for me and I assume it isn't working for you. So to find out more about Steve Conley and Bloop, please click this link . . . . . .
    My apologies;
    Pghhead / Mike

  2. RE: BLOOP info above . . . . . And, if you'd like to see Steve Conley in person this weekend, here the website with directions, etc.


    My apologies, part 2;
    Pghhead / Mike


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