A Brightest Day; A Heroic Age

In early 2010, both DC and Marvel took their companies in new directions, choosing to commemorate those occasions with powerful new storylines. For DC, it was Brightest Day , fundamentally tied to the stories Geoff Johns had been telling in Green Lantern and Blackest Night; for Marvel, it was The Heroic Age , celebrating the end of the dark era begun with Avengers: Disassembled , concluded in Siege . Both directions have their merits, and both launched new titles. I haven't had much time or inclination to post on this blog lately, but I felt a need to take the time today. Two of these titles are just phenomenal, and absolutely worth a look. I think that DC and Marvel are really publishing some fascinating material, with original stories and engaging characters. Hawkeye and Mockingbird , by Jim McCann, David Lopez and Alvaro Lopez, is, by far, my new favorite title from either company. McCann and Lopez had the opportunity to play with these characters last year in the Dar...