TREASURE CHEST - - - Short reviews of less recent books worth digging around for

LOST BOYS (1992) by Orson Scott Card This is an early work by the same author of the popular ENDER'S GAME science fiction series, and more recently famous for his anti-homosexuality statements. However, that has nothing to do with this book and really nothing to do with any of his writings. I'm not endorsing his personal values and beliefs. I'm just hoping to draw attention to a skilled writer who really develops characters and does so with compassion and understanding (in direct contradiction to his rigid opinions on sexual preference). This is the first horror novel written by Card, and has nothing to do with the 1980's teen vampire movie of the same name. There is an element of dark sub-surface horror that runs throughout this book; but the action related to it only takes up about one-third of the book at best. However, the ...