Shane Talks Previews: October 2009 - DC Comics

I've been realllllllly lax on posting on this blog. There's a lot I want to do--some more Number One reviews, some trade reviews, an entire post about how you should read Phonogram and if you aren't you are missing out on one of the best comics ever...but, I figure I'll start with trying to get my look at Previews done. Maybe I'll even finish it this month! We will see. I haven't actually gotten my copy of Previews in the mail yet--usually it's here by now, I'm not really sure why it hasn't arrived--so I'll be doing this entirely from the internet. Azrael #1 This, this is the sort of book that Fabian Nicieza excels at. An ongoing title featuring a D-list character that he can really shape. I'm actually rather surprised to see Ramon Bachs on the art duties, because he's still listed as working on Red Robin this month. I figured that one of the artists from the annuals--Calafiore or Mandrake--would be working on this title...but no,...