June 2016 PREVIEWS pre-order picks: BLEEDING COOL, BOOM!
EDITOR’S NOTE: Continuing a new feature, as we peruse the monthly PREVIEWS catalog and highlight some books we feel are worthy of your attention. Your local comic shop depends on your pre-orders to make sure they have the books you want when you want them. Since business reality makes it impossible for a local comic shop to order some of everything, they depend on the comics readers to tell them what they want to see. It’s a dice roll for them every month. Won’t you help with the odds by at least telling them what you want to buy from them in two months? Please give it a try. We’ll do our best here to help you with those selections, from a BC Refugees point of view. Not objective, but absolutely subjective. BLEEDING COOL page 289 http://www.bleedingcool.com/2016/05/18/bleeding-cool-magazines-top-100-power-list-returns-in-august-2016/ BLEEDING COOL MAGAZINE #24: There are not many print magazines dedicated to comics anymore. Granted, there is plenty of information ava...