March Comic Podcasting Picks Madness - - March 07, 2011

COMIC SHOP DINER - - EPISODE 26  - -  MARCH 03, 2011

This podcast is always interesting, and this is one of the better episodes.  Sometimes the trio of hosts get a little carried away with the inside jokes and goofs - - but this episode is almost 100% strictly business - - and that makes it my “pick” - - the one to recommend to someone curious and thinking about giving it a listen.

Unlike many other comics-related podcasts out there, COMIC SHOP DINER focuses on the field from the writer/artist/creator side.  I may not always be able to directly relate to what they are discussing - - but the insider looks and ability to get a viewpoint from the other side of the counter (so to speak) is very enlightening. 

This episode features guest Thom Zahler, writer/artist of LOVE AND CAPES who discusses his partnership with IDW, ways that he markets his work, as well as vendor/exhibitor etiquette at a comics convention.  I’ve always wondered about the con experience from their point of view.

Lots of good insight this episode.  It may be better than their usual podcasts simply because they have a guest prominently featured.  They seem more focused, on point  - - and probably prepared better than their usual shows.  (Not complaining about them, just making a point.)

Yeah, this is the one to listen to.  If I did my job right, you can click right here and get there . . . .


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