April Pre-Order Picks: Two more from AMIGO COMICS

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Here’s two new titles coming out this month from Amigo Comics, the Spanish publisher making noise in the USA in 2017.  Check them out and pre-order if you are interested.  These are books that very likely will slip under the radar - - so don’t expect to find them on comic book shelves without your requesting them ahead of time.

The Last Hunt

Story: Hannu Kesola
Art: Paul Moore
Color: Beth Varni

A routine run to the dry wasteland known as Earth goes bad when the cargo ship Ragzon, breaks down. But that’s nothing compared to the nightmare its crew faces when they help out a trio of scientists on their last legs. No good deed goes unpunished in “The Last Hunt”! 

This scifi/horror story has earned this month “Spotlight On” from Previews! 

UPC Code: 732030830820—00111
APR171276 – STL045528
32pgs, FC, $3. 99


Preview: http://amigocomics.com/?p=1627



Writer: El Torres
Artists: Abel García, Kráneo
Color:  Fran Gamboa
Cover Artist: Raúl Allen

FBI agent Martin Irons is tasked to investigate the bizarre deaths at a Santeria ritual in the heart of Florida. As a foreboding storm swarms over the city, one of the victims comes back as a zombie and puts Irons’ case in a whole new category. With the Santerian drums beating as the thunder rolls, Irons and his team look to find answers for the deaths, while also trying to prevent more tragedy!

ISBN Code: 978-84-16486-38-0
120pgs, FC, $19. 99

“The horror is excellent as well with heightened tension through use of environment (i.e. storms) and mystery. Recently, there has been a renaissance of scares in the medium and this has the potential grab a piece of that.” —Eric Whitman, Daily Blam

“What begins as an investigation into ritual mass suicide during a severe thunderstorm turns into the creeping doom of a supernatural ancient evil. El Torres’ religious research is thorough, completing this mini-series with elements real enough to scare even the most rational of us.” —Christian Sager, CNN.


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