Marvel art book debuts at Baltimore Comic-Con

from the official press release . . . .

Brandon Peterson Comes to Baltimore!

Brando Marvel Remastered CoverBALTIMORE, MARYLAND - September 1, 2012 - "Marvel Remastered" will debut at the Baltimore Comic-Con, September 8-9, 2012 at the Baltimore Convention Center. This beautiful, full color, oversized 48-page hardcover features the Marvel Comics artwork of Brandon "Brando" Peterson collected over his long comics career. The artist gives insight into his techniques, and each piece of artwork has been remastered to make every piece a new revelation. Limited copies will be available at the artist's table.

Brandon Peterson has been a professional illustrator for over 20 years, working primarily as a penciller and inker, but often as a colorist, writer, editor, and art director. He is currently working at Marvel Comics, as the artist onbooks like AvX, Avengers, The Ultimates, Ultimate Vision, Ultimate Extinction, Ultimate X-Men, Astonishing X-Men, X-Men, and Uncanny X-Men. Brandon was also VP of Special Projects and Art Director of the now-defunct CrossGen Comics, where he created titles like Mystic and Chimera. He is also a veteran of Top Cow Productions, having worked on Codename: Strykeforce, Cyberforce, Ripclaw, Medieval Spawn/Witchblade, and his own book, Arcanum.


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