BCR at BCC: Day Two at Baltimore Comic Con


It was another great day today (September 9) at the Baltimore Comic-Con.

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The highlights for me were the informative panels, followed by what bits and pieces I caught of the Costume Competition  (now a three-hour event).  I scored some more bargain reading and picked up an autograph from Jeff Lemire in my copy of THE UNDERWATER WELDER.    Here is a very brief summary of some of today’s events that I attended.  I plan to do some write-ups over the next several days and weeks. . . . . . . . . .

FUTURE APPROACHES TO TEACHING COMICS IN THE HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOM - - - If you read our blog on a regular basis then you are probably already aware that I’m an advocate for using comics as a teaching tool.  I was absolutely blown away by how Dr. John Weaver, is using THE WATCHMEN in great detail in his Advanced English classes. 

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at left, Tom Brevoort shares editing tips

MARVEL BOOT CAMP SEMINAR  - - - This was a ticketed event, with proceeds to benefit the Hero Initiative.  Marvel Senior Vice President & Executive Editor Tom Brevoort gave a two-hour presentation on the role of the editor on the Marvel books, it’s importance and insider information on what techniques and guidelines he uses to make thing run smoothly and successfully.

IDW PUBLISHING   - - -  This was an informative preview of what’s coming up in the IDW books for the balance of the year and into 2013.

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Jeff Lemire sketches for a fan . . . . .

AVATAR PRESS - - -  This also was an informative preview of what’s coming up in the Avatar books for the balance of the year and into 2013.


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