They Said It Better: Jimmy Olsen One-Shot

I may have talked about this series a little when it was the backup in "Action Comics", but now these stories have been collected with the unpublished chapters to tell the story of a week in Jimmy Olsen's life. These were my favorite Superman-related stories in a while, and writer Nick Spencer manages to modernize the character while retaining his goofy charm. There's a touch of romantic comedy between Jimmy and Chloe Sullivan (not Lucy Lane; "We don't talk about Lucy," says Jimmy), and Spencer invents a rival for Jimmy that helps drive the stories and show us what kind of guy Jimmy is. R.B. Silva's art is grounded enough to support the comedy, but expansive enough to cover stories that include aliens and such.

CBR's Greg McElhatton gave the book a 5-star review, and I totally agree.

It seems unlikely that this will get into a trade, since it's so short and there isn't really another place to put it -- can't see it going in a JMS Supes volume, for instance -- so I recommend getting this from your local comic shop or mail order vendor while you still can.


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