The Randomizer 04/07/2011 – Sherlock + Grimm Myths

SHERLOCK HOLMES: YEAR ONE #3  (Dynamite Entertainment, 2011) “The Twelve Caesars, Part Two” - - Written by Scott Beatty.  Illustrated by Daniel Indro.  Colored by Tony Avina.  Lettered by Simon Bowland.  Covers by Francesco Fancavilla, Aaron Campbell, Daniel Indro.

Sherlock #3 imageHandler

This work by the team of Beatty and Indro just gets better and better, especially the art.  The splash page showing a victim being strangled at the top of some steep stairs and then hurtling down those stairs towards the bottom of page 2 is delightfully depicted.  The vivid details of the art in this book are a wonder.  I can only imagine how much time Indro must have spent putting the finishing touches on these great looking pages.  Beatty continues to build an intriguing storyline as more victims are discovered in London, all with cryptic notes attached to them that are written in Latin.

The side plot revolves around Watson trying to uncover more  information on the mysterious Sherlock Holmes. While having lunch with a constable he learns of a disastrous ship explosion that may be connected to Holmes as well as some past friends (male and female) with questionable backgrounds.  Meanwhile Holmes is figuring out the connection that links the recent spate of three murders - - all linked to Caesar – and determining there will be nine more.   This book is a lot of fun.  If you are a fan of either Sherlock Holmes or RUSE you will not be disappointed by SHERLOCK HOLMES: YEAR ONE.

GRIMM FAIRY TALES: MYTHS & LEGENDS  #3  (Zenoscope Entertainment, March 2011)  Story by Raven Gregory, Joe Brusha and Ralph Tedesco.  Written by Raven Gregory.  art by Novo Malgapo.  Colors by Jason Embury.  Color Consultation by Neil Ruffino.  Letters by Jim Campbell. 

grimm 3

Events become even more violent, bloody, and graphic in Issue #3.  This is not a book for younger readers - - not because of the “skin” that Zenoscope has a reputation for -  but rather for the vividly drawn scenes of carnage including severed and torn limbs, decapitation, etc.   But this is much more than just a “splatter” or “slasher” book.  It’s exploring the modern horror story while paying tribute to EC and other horror comics of the 50’s/60’s while linking it to some other myths and legends (godlike women and ferocious mammoth-sized werewolves). 

There’s a power failure at the institute for troubled youth while the were-creature roams the halls in search of prey and the elusive counselor with a connection to the legend of Red Riding Hood.  More patients and inmates go down as the creature starts picking them off in search of its desired prey.  Meanwhile, more creatures lurk outside the gated compound as if waiting for more mayhem to ratchet things up a tad.  This is a very well-done book and story and art complement each other.   I’m enjoying this even though it’s moving slowly - - it would be a better read in a continuous trade paperback  - - but I’m too impatient to wait for that.


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