BALTIMORE COMIC CON 2017 PANELS: Friday, September 22

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Courtesy of Baltimore Comic Con, we are sharing the convention panel schedule for all three days.  Here’s a perfect way to plan your time there in order to take advantage of the best that’s being offered. There’s always two or more interesting panels occurring at the same time, so choose wisely!  For my money, I’ll be going to the Matt Kindt spotlight, the Frank Miller spotlight, and the Shared Universes panel.  NEXT:  Saturday’s schedule.

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - September 10, 2017 - The 18th annual Baltimore Comic-Con returns to the Baltimore Convention Center the weekend of September 22-24, 2017. Tickets are available now for General Admission, VIP, and Ringo Awards at   
Tellos Tribute

Friday will feature a spotlight on one of the most popular creators in modern comics, Frank Miller. Also, a spotlight on Matt Kindt, The Jimmy and Amanda panel, numerous panels featuring some of the industry's largest publishers including Archie and Dynamite, a look at the Kirby Museum, and a game show! 


Saturday, publisher panels include DC Comics, Marvel Comics, BOOM! Studios, Image Comics, Valiant, and Dynamite, a spotlight panel on Bob Fujitani, a seminar from Carl Potts, and media guests Stefan KapicicDMCDavid Mazouz, and Sean Pertwee. Plus, celebrate Batman Day and The Mike Wieringo Tellos Tribute.


Sunday, we celebrate the centennial of perhaps the most influential comics creator with Jack Kirby at 100. Check out panels from Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Valiant, American Mythology, and Ominous Press, and special panels with media guests DMCFinn Jones, and Jessica Henwick. And don't miss a conversation with Marv Wolfman and Mark Evanier, and a spotlight on comics in the 1970s. 


Of course, don't let your children miss the excitement scheduled for the Kids Love Comics Pavilion!



(Please note, all times and panels shown are subject to change.)


Room 339-342

2:00-3:00 - Valiant Spotlight: Matt Kindt

One of the most-lauded creative minds in the industry today, Matt Kindt is a true visionary of the comics medium. From his creator-owned series - like Mind MgmtDept. HGrass KingsEther, and dozens more - to his work at the forefront of the Valiant comics line - including X-O ManowarDivinityNinjak, and the upcoming Harbinger Wars 2 - join the New York Times best-selling and Eisner Award-nominated writer/artist for a wide-ranging discussion of his work, present and future. 


3:30-4:15 - Frank Miller Spotlight


From Daredevil to Ronin to Batman: The Dark Knight Returns to Sin City to Dark Knight III: The Master Race, creator Frank Miller has left an indelible mark on modern comics. Join Frank, frequent collaborator Klaus Janson, and moderator Dan DiDio for an engaging panel. You'll kick yourself if you miss it.


Archie Comics Panel

4:30-5:30 - Archie Comics: Riverdale Revealed

Celebrate the new era of Archie Comicsas we take a look at the next wave of exciting Archie Comics titles and look ahead to the second season of The CW's hit new show Riverdale! Featuring a panel of all-star writers and artists including Mark WaidDan ParentAlex Segura, and Joe Eisma!

Room 343-344

2:00-3:00 - How to Kill Zombies

The RIGHT way to kill a zombie! From chainsaws to helicopter blades, novelist Peter Meredith hosts a light-hearted panel discussion on the many ways found in literature and film to slay the undead.


3:15-4:15 - The Power of Magic and the Magic of Memory

Learn about magic in comics, its roots in reality, and the magic of memory. Chris Miskiewicz (Thomas Alsop) will talk about the magical mythology of New York City, and Dean Haspiel (The Red Hook) will preview his upcoming webcomic War Cry, showing how transfiguration can deliver powerful moments in storytelling. Sarah Trustman (The Memory Arts) will discuss using comics to teach real-world magic and give a demonstration of the same memory techniques that appear so fantastic that using them got people burned as witches. And, David Trustman (The Rise) will discuss his controversial graphic novel God Slap and its modern take on religious magic.


4:30-5:30 - The Jimmy & Amanda Panel

Get to know Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti in an interactive panel where the audience gets to talk to the guests about their work and lives, in an intimate getting-to-know-you setting. Listen to them talk about their current work on Harley Quinn and what the future has in store for them both. 

Room 345-346

2:00-3:00 - Writing Across Genres

Ever wonder how a comic book writer can write so many different types of stories all seemingly at the same time? Join Charles Soule (Darth VaderCurse WordsAstonishing X-Men), James Tynion IV (The WoodsDetective ComicsThe Eighth Seal), Amy Chu (KISSRed SonjaPoison Ivy), and Tom King (BatmanThe Sheriff of BabylonVision) as they talk about how they manage to write so many types of genres at the same time. Moderated by Christy Blanch


3:15-4:15 - #DARETOBEHEROIC With Dynamite

Villains don't stand a chance this fall as Dynamite unleashes our team of all-star creators and unites some of comics' most iconic heroes in what's certain to be some of the hottest releases of the season. Join us as we discuss the anatomy of crafting a true hero!


4:30-5:30 - Shared Universes

Ever since the Human Torch met the Sub-Mariner, comics have had shared universes for better or worse. A panel of experienced veterans - Mark BuckinghamTerry MoorePeter J. Tomasi, and Meredith Finch -- who have worked in and out of these universes discuss the pros and cons with moderator Robert Greenberger.

Room 347-348

2:00-3:00 - Super-Blank: The Game Show

Get ready to match the comics stars! Strikingly similar to the classic TV game show, The Match Game, a panel of comics "celebrities" will fill in the blanks as contestants from the audience try to match them for points and prizes! With: Lora Innes (The DreamerWynonna Earp), Brian "Smitty" Smith (Stuff of LegendTree Mail), Brian Joines (Bill & TedImaginary AgentsKrampus), and more! Hosted by Gregg Schigiel (PixSpongeBob ComicsStuff Said podcast).


3:15-4:15 - What is the Kirby Museum

Join founding trustee Rand Hoppe as he shows what the Jack Kirby Museum & Research Center has been up to for the last 12 years. See photos of some of our accomplishments, as well as what we are planning for the future!


4:30-5:30 - Creating Kickass Characters

Popular comics creators share their insights on character development in comics and how they work to make heroes and villains extraordinary and memorable. Featuring: Amy Chu (Poison Ivy, Red Sonja), Tom King (BatmanVision), and Carla Speed McNeil (Finder, No Mercy, Love is Love).

Kids Love Comics Programming

4:00-5:00 -  Drawing with Drouin: Nickelodeon Characters with Emily Drouin 

Learn to draw popular characters from Nickelodeon shows using basic shapes in this fun drawing activity!


5:00-6:00 - Alien Art with Dawn Griffin

The Kids Love Comics Workshop Area will be transformed into an alien factory when cartoonist Dawn Griffin shows you easy ways to draw wacky aliens. 



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