Baltimore Comic Con highlights - Day One - - Friday, September 25, 2015

One of the first things I did after I arrived is purchase the 2015 Baltimore Comic Con Yearbook. It’s a hardcover edition with more than 60 prints inside by various artists. This year’s theme celebrates David Petersen’s Mouse Guard.  It’s a beautiful book with gorgeous art and well worth the $20 asking price.

I spent the opening hours of the con getting artist autographs for the yearbook. The Baltimore Comic Con offers a Yearbook Scavenger Hunt.  If you collect enough signatures on a scorecard you receive a bonus of one print by one of five featured artists.  If you are lucky enough to get all 60 signatures, you receive all five prints.

I also attended three different panel presentations.

1) Living In Harmony: Digital and Print.

2) Dynamite Entertainment news

3)  IDW news.

I will share details from each of these panels in upcoming features in the coming days.



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